Hello Khaled! Would be very useful to have support on mIRC to play .ogg / .opus sound files. They have better quality than mp3 and great compression.
Here are a comparison between codecs https://opus-codec.org/comparison/ And here a demonstration webradio in .opus http://stream2.dancewave.online:8080/retrodance.opus
I have the codecs, I play ogg files normally on Windows Media Player, but for some reason it don't plays on mIRC.
This means that the codecs were not installed correctly in Windows. There is nothing you need to do in mIRC to play ogg files other than use the /splay command. I just tested this here by installing the codecs from the Xiph.org website and /splay worked to play ogg files on Windows 10 and 11.
But why it doesn't work with k-lite codec pack, that also has ogg vorbis?! It has all the most used codecs, audio and video, its a more complete codec pack. codecguide.com