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Joined: Aug 2003
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bynw Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Aug 2003
Posts: 66
it looks like the Section 6-25 of the FAQ hasn't been updated in a while since it still talks about the 16 and 32 bit version of mIRC. And running multiple copies of the same.

The instructions appear not to work. I created a new shortcut to the mirc.exe file in Program Files(x86) and created a new mirc.ini file in users\myuser\appdata\roaming\mirc

However, I get an invalid file/path anytime I try to update the Target filed or Start in fields of the properties of the new shortcut. To have it point to that ini location.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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There are indeed many sections of the mIRC FAQ that have not been updated in quite some time. This FAQ was created many years ago by Tjerk Vonck. I haven't had the time to update it myself. If anyone wants to give it a go, let me know.

As for creating shortcuts, you can find a list of command line switches you can use in the mIRC Help file, Other Features/Command line section.

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Pan-dimensional mouse
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