alias test {
; UTF8 encoded
bset -t &test 1 PRIVMSG #Test :©
; ... 194 169
echo -a $bvar(&test, 1-)
; send &test to server
parseline -obqpnu0 &test
So I need to send my binary variable to the server.
/bset works exact as expected, with or without the -a switch.
The issue is that -u0 doesn't work as expected, it actually utf8decodes the data to be sent to the server meaning that there's no way to reliably send a byte for byte &binvar to the server.
If we have a &binvar containing 194 169 and send it to the server
-u0: 169 is sent
-u1: 194 169 is sent
If we have a &binvar containing just 169 and send it to the server
-u0: 169 is sent
-u1: 194 169 is sent
I'd expect having 194 169 in the &binvar and using -u0 to send 194 169 and it not be mangled at all. The rest I'd expect to happen as they currently do.