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#271224 23/01/23 08:38 AM
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Vogon poet
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//echo -a $window(@desktop).w $window(@desktop).h

detect the size of windows, how can i resize in smalller one?


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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see https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc/commands/window
like /window @name 0 0 400 200

maroon #271233 24/01/23 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by maroon
see https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc/commands/window
like /window @name 0 0 400 200

i know ,thats the reason of post

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If that's not the answer to your question, then can you restate your question more clearly?
You wanted to be able to set the existing window's size to something smaller, so the size is changed the same way you created the size in the first place.
You can change the width by using $calc to subtract something from the existing width, and same for changing the existing height.
As for whether you want to move the left/top of the smaller window somewhere else, that is up to you. In some cases you might want to move the left edge (x) of the window by half the amount you are changing the width, and move the top edge (y) of the window by half the change for the height

maroon #271235 24/01/23 11:10 PM
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Originally Posted by maroon
If that's not the answer to your question, then can you restate your question more clearly?
You wanted to be able to set the existing window's size to something smaller, so the size is changed the same way you created the size in the first place.
You can change the width by using $calc to subtract something from the existing width, and same for changing the existing height.
As for whether you want to move the left/top of the smaller window somewhere else, that is up to you. In some cases you might want to move the left edge (x) of the window by half the amount you are changing the width, and move the top edge (y) of the window by half the change for the height

i dont know how i do it friend maroon

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Originally Posted by XGamerAMD
i know ...
i dont know ...
[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

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Originally Posted by XGamerAMD
//echo -a $window(@desktop).w $window(@desktop).h

detect the size of windows, how can i resize in smalller one?

You cannot resize "desktop" window or resize your monitor via mIRC. This can only be done through the Windows OS settings or buy a new monitor in a different size.

If you want to do something different, then if you please formulate your question properly so that it is as clear as maximum possible for those who are trying to help you.
Otherwise, no one can help you.

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Epic #271238 25/01/23 05:42 PM
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the mirc windows i nedd to resize

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This creates a custom window
//window @resize 100 200 300 400

This resizes it to be taller, 500 instead of 400

//window @resize 100 200 300 500

This instead resizes it to be slightly wider, width 350 instead of 300

//window @resize 100 200 300 400 | //window @resize 100 200 350 400

If you are wanting the script to change the size of the main mirc window itself, that is not possible. The
/help /showmirc
command can do some things to the main window, but not changing its size

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Pan-dimensional mouse
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You can use this command to both create or change the position and size of a window at the same time:

    "/window @name horizontal vertical width height"

/window @test 300 400 700 500

    "@test" - window name (this can also be "#test").
    "300" - is the horizontal position in pixels on screen.
    "400" - is the vertical position in pixels on screen.
    "700" - is the width of the window in pixels.
    "500" - is the height of the window in pixels.

Note: This will only work when the mIRC window is open separate desktop window mode "/window -d @test".

Also you should not give such names to custom windows as: "@mirc", "@mdi", "@desktop" - these names are reserved by mIRC for identifying other windows.

More information on this command can and MUST need to be read here: https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc/commands/window

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Epic #271241 25/01/23 06:43 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Epic, can you clarify what you're saying?
It seems like you're saying that you can't resize a window or channel unless it's in desktop mode, and that's not so, as my other post shows an example of doing so to a non-desktop window

Epic #271243 25/01/23 10:56 PM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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all ready new , this but thnx

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