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#269569 03/11/21 06:55 AM
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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alias xtime {
var %i = 1
while (%i <= 10) {
echo 2 %i $time
inc %i

03:55:21-- 03:56:21 like that

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It's hard to understand what you're asking.
You say you want to show a clock like the computer, then you have a script which loops so that it shows the same time repeatedly. Your text shows 2 times 60 seconds apart, but your loop only repeats 10 times.

If this isn't what you're wanting, you'll need to try explaining again:

/timerclock -o 60 1 echo 2 $time

That echoes the time at 1 second interval for 60 seconds. If you change the 60 0 it repeats forever until you stop the timer. If you change the 1 to something else, that's the number of seconds between showing the time.

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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Posts: 25
thnx , its work !!! but in the same line how i do it?

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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There's a number of ways to do what I think you want.

Option 1:
use /titlebar to shove the time you want into a titlebar of a window, other than that you would need some form of custom @window.

Option 2: Custom @window
Using a combination of /aline and /rline you could first display the time, then periodically replace the line with the updated time.

alias tclock {
  if (!$window(@TClock) && !$1) { window -dBfk0 +t @TClock -1 -1 150 150 | aline @TClock $time }
  if ($window(@TClock)) {
    rline @TClock 1 $time
    titlebar @TClock $time
    .timerTClock -om 1 100 TClock Update

Option 3: Custom Picture @window
Using picture windows grants you the ability to "draw" whatever you wish with the available /draw* commands, and you can get as creative as you wish to output your clock.

alias pclock {
  if (!$window(@Clock) && !$1) { window -dBpfk0 +t @Clock -1 -1 150 150 }
  if ($window(@Clock)) {
    var %x = 0 , %y = 15 , %hw = $window(@Clock).dw / 2 , %hh = $window(@Clock).dh / 2 , %r = %hw - 10
    drawrect -nf @Clock 1 1 0 0 $window(@Clock).dw $window(@Clock).dh
    while (%x <= %y) {
      var %a = $calc(%x * $pi * 2 / 60) , %dx = $calc(%r * $cos(%a)) , %dy = $calc(%r * $sin(%a)) , %c = $iif($calc(%x % 5),14 2,4 4)
      drawdot -n @Clock %c $calc(%dx + %hw) $calc(%dy * -1 + %hh)
      drawdot -n @Clock %c $calc(%dx + %hw) $calc(%dy + %hh)
      drawdot -n @Clock %c $calc(%dx * -1 + %hw) $calc(%dy + %hh)
      drawdot -n @Clock %c $calc(%dx * -1 + %hw) $calc(%dy * -1 + %hh)
      inc %x
    tokenize 58 $asctime(HH:nn:ss)
    var %ha = $calc(($1 - 3 + $2 / 60) * $pi * 2 / 12) , %ma = $calc(($2 - 15 + $3 / 60) * $pi * 2 / 60) , %sa = $calc(($3 - 15) * $pi * 2 / 60)
    drawline -n @Clock 14 2 $calc($cos(%ha) * %r * 0.6 + %hw) $calc($sin(%ha) * %r * 0.6 + %hw) %hw %hw $calc($cos(%ma) * %r * 0.9 + %hw) $calc($sin(%ma) * %r * 0.9 + %hw)
    drawline -n @Clock 4 2 $calc($cos(%sa) * %r + %hw) $calc($sin(%sa) * %r + %hw) %hw %hw
    drawtext -n @Clock 14 $qt($window(@Clock).font) $window(@Clock).fontsize $calc(%hw - $width($asctime(hh:nn:ss TT),$window(@Clock).font,$window(@Clock).fontsize) / 2) %hh $asctime(hh:nn:ss TT)
    drawdot @Clock
    titlebar @Clock $asctime(HH:nn:ss)
    .timerClock -om 1 100 PClock Update

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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Your question and the code example provided looks very cryptic, so it's hard to understand out how to help you ... ✨ This looks like a new puzzle for players "Game in Squid" (Squid Game) smirk

The only thing that is clear from the example is that cycle (while) will display exactly 10 times an echo-message with an identifier "$time" which will show the currently time on your computer while the cycle itself is running.

Could you please provide more information on what you specifically want your script to do and what output should be displayed in the mIRC window?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Still not clear what you're wanting. If you're wanting it to show the fixed time that the timer started next to the current time, that's the difference between the timer using an identifier that's evaluated at the time the timer is created, and an identifier that isn't evaluated until the timer is executed.

alias xtime {
/timerclock -o 60 1 echo 2 $time -- $!time

Inside an alias, $identifier is evaluated as the script is run, but when you use the form $!identifier, the "!" delays the evaluation - in this case it's delayed until each timer executes

If this isn't what you want, please be more clear

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