i have this blacklist addons for nicknames works fine when nicknames are simple
example duck or also ernesrt or simpli
but it does not work for example in specific nicknames using variants like *simpli *! * @ * or using many variants either in nicknames and in IPS like for example NICK! * @ * NICK1! * @ * or NICK2! * @ *
and in ips like this *22.288.63!*@* or also *!*user@263.5567*
Please someone help me to expand the method of recognition in nicknames as well as to recognize ip when they are added *22.288.63!*@* or also *!*user@263.5567*


; ####################################
; # Mr.KOlanG ScRiPt #
; # #
; # BlackList #
; # #
; ####################################

MenU Channel,status {
BlaCk List:/dialog -m bl bl

;;;; Coding del dialog
dialog bl {
title "Black List By Mr.KolanG"
size -1 -1 110 100
option dbu
tab "List" 1, 5 5 100 90
tab "Setup" 2,
button "Add" 3, 7 85 25 10, tab 1
button "Remove" 4, 35 85 25 10, tab 1
list 5, 7 20 95 66, tab 1
button "Close" 6, 75 85 25 10,
check "KickBan" 7, 10 80 27 10, tab 2
box "Setup" 8, 7 57 50 35, tab 2
check "Kick" 9, 10 66 27 10, tab 2
box "Reason" 10, 7 23 94 25, tab 2
edit "" 11, 9 33 90 10, tab 2

;;; Coding Alias
alias bl { /dialog -m bl bl }

;;;; Coding eventi dialog
on 1:dialog:bl:init:0:{
tokenize 32 %blacklist
/did -a bl 5 $*
/did -ra bl 11 %blkreason
if (%blp == 1) { /did -c bl 7 | /did -u bl 9 }
else { /did -c bl 9 | /did -u bl 7 }

on 1:dialog:bl:sclick:6: { /dialog -x bl bl }

on 1:dialog:bl:sclick:3: {
/set -u5 %badd $input(Nick da addare alla blacklist:,-eq,Blacklist Management")
if (!%badd) { $input(Nessun nick inserito!,-ow,Errore!) }
else {
if ( $istok(%blacklist,%badd,32) ) { var %errore = $input(Nick giĆ  blacklistato!,-ow,Errore!) | halt }
else { %blacklist = $addtok(%blacklist,%badd,32) | did -a bl 5 %badd }
on 1:dialog:bl:sclick:4:{
if ( $did(5).seltext) { /set -u5 %brem $did(5).seltext | %blacklist = $remtok(%blacklist,%brem,1,32) | did -d bl 5 $did(5).sel }
else { var %errore = $input(Non hai selezionato alcun nick!,-ow,Errore!) }

on 1:dialog:bl:edit:11:{
if ( $did(11).text) { /set %blkreason $did(11).text } | else { /set %blkreason 9,1KolanG Script }

on 1:dialog:bl:sclick:7:{ /did -c bl 7 | /did -u bl 9 | /set %blp 1 }
on 1:dialog:bl:sclick:9:{ /did -c bl 9 | /did -u bl 7 | /set %blp 0 }

;;;; Coding Load
on *:join:#:{
if ($istok(%blacklist,$nick,32)) {
if ( %blp == 0 ) { /kick $chan $nick %blkreason }
else { /mode # +b $nick | /kick # $nick %blkreason }
else { return }

On *:nick:{
if ($istok(%blacklist,$newnick,32)) {
set %ii $comchan($newnick,0)
if ( %blp == 0 ) { /kick $comchan($newnick,%ii) $newnick %blkreason }
else { /ban -u300 $comchan($newnick,%ii) $newnick 1 | /kick $comchan($newnick,%ii) $newnick %blkreason }
else { return }

on *:load:{
/echo -a 4K10o4l10a4n10G 4S10c4r10i4p10t 12v1.0 13,1Blacklist Loaded....
/set %blkreason KolanG ScRiPt Blacklist
/set %blp 0

Last edited by druino; 16/12/20 04:06 AM.