I posted yesterday about needing help with a script but I decided not to use it and wanted to go a more simpler route.

I have this new script here, and basically I'm trying to make it so that when a winner is chosen, it deletes their name from the list so they can't win a second time. I want to be able to pick multiple winners without fear of the the same person winning again, lol :p would appreciate any and all help..! <3 (this is for Twitch, btw)

On *:text:!rafflesticker:#:{
if ($nick == name) {
msg $chan a sticker giveaway has started, type !enter to enter c:
write -c Raffle.txt
set %rafflestatus ON

on *:text:!enter:#:{
if ($read(Raffle.txt,w,$nick)) return
write Raffle.txt $nick

on *:text:!winner:#:{
if ($nick == name) {
if (%rafflestatus) {
msg $chan $read(Raffle.txt) is the winner! congratulations! laugh
set %rafflestatus ON

Last edited by kouyachi; 14/12/20 07:04 PM.