here is my snippet:
on ^*:NOTICE:*:*: {
var %sn = $+($nick,@,$network)
if ($2 $4-5 == invited into the) { noticeprint 14(10Invited14) 12What Nick15:10 $3 12What Channel15:10 $chan }
if (*Serv iswm $nick) {
var %t = $remove($1-,$chr(58))
if ((%t == Bot List) || (%t == Bots reserved to IRC operators)) { echo -at 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:10 $1- }
if ($istok(Global opsb,$nick,32)) { noticeprint 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:03 $1- }
elseif (CaptainJack iswm $nick) { echo -at 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:10 $1- }
elseif (CaptJack iswm $nick) { echo -at 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:10 $1- }
else { echo -at 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:03 $1- }
else { echo -t @DragonView 14(10Notice Sent14) 12From15:10 %sn 12Msg15:03 $1- }
I'm unsure whats wrong with this snippet, but I could seriously use some expert help, I am wanting to make it so the elseif statements (the ones with Capt in them) ONLY echo into my active channel, while leaving Services to go into the DragonView window, and I am unsure how to accomplish this task.