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Posted By: DragonRyder On Notice - 17/10/19 04:33 PM
here is my snippet:


on ^*:NOTICE:*:*: {
var %sn = $+($nick,@,$network)
if ($2 $4-5 == invited into the) { noticeprint 14(10Invited14) 12What Nick15:10 $3 12What Channel15:10 $chan  }
if (*Serv iswm $nick) {
var %t = $remove($1-,$chr(58))
if ((%t == Bot List) || (%t == Bots reserved to IRC operators)) { echo -at 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:10 $1-  }
if ($istok(Global opsb,$nick,32)) { noticeprint 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:03 $1-  }
elseif (CaptainJack iswm $nick) { echo -at 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:10 $1-  }
elseif (CaptJack iswm $nick) { echo -at 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:10 $1-  }
else { echo -at 14(10Notice14) 12From15: %sn 12Msg15:03 $1-  }
else { echo -t @DragonView 14(10Notice Sent14) 12From15:10 %sn 12Msg15:03 $1-  }

I'm unsure whats wrong with this snippet, but I could seriously use some expert help, I am wanting to make it so the elseif statements (the ones with Capt in them) ONLY echo into my active channel, while leaving Services to go into the DragonView window, and I am unsure how to accomplish this task.
Posted By: maroon Re: On Notice - 17/10/19 07:07 PM
You have the handling for the 4 nicks inside the condition which is true only when the nick ends with "serv", so that code can never be true
Posted By: DragonRyder Re: On Notice - 23/01/20 12:25 PM
so any ideas how a NetAdmin of an IRC Network can fix his script?
Posted By: ovelayer Re: On Notice - 24/01/20 03:47 AM
($2 $4-5 == invited into the)
the above look's wrong to me..
Posted By: maroon Re: On Notice - 24/01/20 05:07 PM
I'd like clarification of what classes of people should be different than default, and what those differences should be.

The default rules for notice seem to be:

if ($nick is in $active window) then notice shows to active window
otherwise if you share at least 1 channel with that nick, the notice appears in $comchan($nick,1)
otherwise the notice appears in status window
Posted By: DragonRyder Re: On Notice - 25/02/20 07:38 PM
that line echos into Dragonview window that you been invited into a channel and by whom.
Posted By: DragonRyder Re: On Notice - 25/02/20 07:56 PM
*Serv is HelpServ, NickServ, ChanServ, BotServ, HostServ (or any other services bot that usually ends with Serv) to be sent to the DragonView window
CaptainJack & CaptJack are the same bots on 2 networks that send you notices for a game called !Pirates to be sent to yer active window instead of DragonView window
Then there is the line for Global notices to be sent to the DragonView window
then the two lines it looks for from BotServ to make sure those echo into your active window along with going to DragonView window.
and anything I missed being echoed into active and DragonView windows.

First I know I have the snippet messed up, Hence why I am asking for help.
Second, I need the network services bots to echo into DragonView window, I need a variable where I can right-click on a nick and add it to a list of nicks I want to see notices from in my active window and one to send to DragonView window for the nicks I do NOT care to see in my active window.

I do appreciate the time you took to read this, and I appreciate those who are able to help me out.
Posted By: DragonRyder Re: On Notice - 26/03/20 07:57 PM
if ($2 $4-5 == invited into the) { noticeprint 14(10Invited14) 12What Nick15:10 $3 12What Channel15:10 $chan  }

$2 = invited
$3 = Your Nick (so is not needed)
$4 = into
$5 = the
so when you recieve a specific notice for invite this replaces the words and sends it into a specific window
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