Hi board.
On some networks there exists a "delayed join" chanmode, which will hide users on a channel until they say something (there will appear a join message once they said something). However, if you are opped on that chan you can view a list of currently hidden users on that channel using /names with some network specific params. On QuakeNet i.e. you would use "//names -d #" on a "+D" channel to receive a list of hidden users.
Do you think it is possible to show hidden users on a channel in its nicklist (prefixed with "<" e.g.) when I am opped and keep this list up to date the way, mIRC normally does? I think mIRC will update the nicklist with responses from /who commands, but the raw response of the server on the /names command are different of course. Can I set mIRC to recognize such answers and keep the nicklist updated that way? I could set a timer i.e. to perform the /names command every minute (I will have to do so, because joins/parts/quits of hidden users will not be sent to me).
Possibly I am getting everything wrong about the way mIRC keeps the nicklist up to date, please let me know, if so.
Thank you for your help.