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Joined: Feb 2015
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kap Offline OP
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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mIRC help, scripts, snippets, add-ons, one-liners et cetera are scattered around the web. Either hosted on this forum, GitHub, GitLab or websites such as https://mircscripts.net or https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc. If one was to curate a list of all URI's...

1) ...how would you break that list down / organise such a list?
2) ...what mIRC resource website, script, add-on, snippet or one-liner would you like to see listed?

What comes to mind?

GNU Terry Pratchett - Looking for a mIRC help channel -> Check #mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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What are you asking exactly? I saw you asking few things here and there, no one is going to do something YOU have in mind, start and see where it goes.

Joined: Feb 2015
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kap Offline OP
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Hi eahm,

Thanks for your response. I think there's no need to reply to my questions with a question, as it's pretty clear what I'm asking, but I'll bite.

What are you asking exactly?

To simplify it for you- I'm looking for answers to the following questions: What pieces of mIRC codeĀ¹ are most valuable to you? Why are they most valuable to you? Can you link me?

[1] or mirc related resource.


GNU Terry Pratchett - Looking for a mIRC help channel -> Check #mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Well, to tell the truth I've been using it since '96 without popups or scripts, to me the most important aspect of an irc client is a good configuration with great readability, so: fonts, few good black/dark themes and a way to see highlights or save them in a different window/tab.

If you want to check how I archive my mIRC settings now... https://filebin.net/ftnqzafmhi08ivcl smile

Joined: Feb 2015
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kap Offline OP
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Thank you eahm. This is what this thread is all about!

I see the filebin link you posted wille expire in a couple of days, hence the following breakdown (for future readers):

I do see that you are using a couple script files. You have onstart.mrc and nomnick.mrc loaded. Also you reference:

xpallette.mrc - https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/262097/xpallette-extended-color-pallette-display
nickcolors-pre758.mrc - https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/257384/randomly-colorized-usernames
awaycheck.mrc - code below
mircini_unleashed.chm - https://web.archive.org/web/20071116220323/www.mishscript.de/help/mircini/index.htm
Eahm's colors and pallettes (mirc.ini) - https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/266273/my-color-schemes

on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($me isin $strip($1-)) {
    echo -dt $+($chr(3),7,$nick,$chr(3) on $chr(3),7,#,$chr(3),:,$chr(3) $1-)

on *:START:{
  fupdate 100
alias sF1 {
  run https://www.mirc.com/help/html/index.html
  run https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc/commands

on ME:*:JOIN:#:{ set %awaycheck 1 | who $chan | .timer 0 3600 who $chan }
alias awaycheck {
  set %awaycheck 1
  var %azx = $active
  who $iif(!$1,%azx,$1)

raw 352:*:{
  if (%awaycheck) && ($chr(71) isin $7) { cline 14 $2 $6 }

raw 315:*:{
  if (%awaycheck) { unset %awaycheck }

Eahm, are you happy with your current configuration or are you still looking to perfect it? If the latter, what would make your config even better?

Are there more people willing to share what mSL code/resources they use in their day-to-day use of mIRC?

GNU Terry Pratchett - Looking for a mIRC help channel -> Check #mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net
Joined: May 2018
Posts: 229
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: May 2018
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Maniac! smile

Originally Posted by kap
Eahm, are you happy with your current configuration or are you still looking to perfect it? If the latter, what would make your config even better?

It's perfect for what I need for now.

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