Thank you very much for your answer , and sorry if I'm answering you late.
I losed some particular of the irc protocol, sorry for my errors.
In fact I tried to connect in raw mode ( with netcat ), and with mIRC in raw mode
with this command from the prompt:
//window -e @raw | debug @raw
Basically the "raw event" are numbers in the txt string
sended to the client before the colon : , in fact the client write only what is after colon :
This is a piece of raw output : is with mIRC.
I noticed the raw event dont work inside a if-then statement control. For example this code don't work :
if ( server1 isin $server ) { msg $nick hello }
if ( server2 isin $server {
whois $nick
raw 311:*chatt-free*:{ msg $nick Compliment , you are using $3 server }
else msg $nick you are using the normal server $server
The above code give me a error.
It seems that raw event work only in the root of the logic program flux,( not nested )
but I need to make a choose before run the raw parsing
( only in the second case run whois $nick ), and after run the raw parsing of the string out.
How may I solve the problem with mIRC scripting ?
Thank you