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Joined: Aug 2018
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Dantab Offline OP
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
Joined: Aug 2018
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Hello all,

I've been an mIRC user since the 90s, but never a "power user". I have, of course, a registered license. I think it's my most used software, period. I am very fond of mIRC and want to continue using it, but I'm at my wit's end as I have never had this issue before and so I hope you can help me out.

I most recently had mIRC working just fine on a Windows 8.1 x64 install. No problems. My hard drives died so I replaced them and ended up going with Windows 10 x64. My ISP changed my modem device at the same time by coincidence, so I suspect the issue lay there. The issue that has arisen is that mIRC disconnects from the server every six minutes, pretty much on the dot.

No other program does this. Only mIRC is impacted. My ISP has confirmed that they do not filter or restrict any traffic whatsoever, including IRC traffic (which matches my experience with them being universally positive over the past four years, during which mIRC was fine) but I don't know if I am missing something in Windows 10 or my new modem that is causing this.

In summary:

Windows 10 x64
Windows factory settings for firewall/antivirus
mIRC 7.52 newest version
Ubee UBC1301 cable modem @ 600mbps/100mbps, factory settings
Disconnects every 6 minutes (only mIRC)

If anyone has any insights whatsoever I would be absolutely thrilled to hear them. I do not want to have to switch software but it's basically unusable right now.

Thank you very much!

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This is reported occasionally and appears to be due to an ISP checking for IRC connections and disconnecting them. mIRC is the most widely used IRC client, so ISPs often check for connections that look like they are from mIRC. You can find a discussion on the same topic here.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Feb 2003
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If connecting via SSL port doesn't work, and you find that you get disconnected with other clients too, then your ISP is filtering and you may need to rent time on a VPS or VPN. Otherwise ask your IRC network admins if they offer port 80 or 443 connections by request.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
Joined: Aug 2018
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Dantab Offline OP
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
Joined: Aug 2018
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Hi everyone,

Thanks very much for the thoughts and assistance!

I contacted my ISP again and confirmed with them that they are not doing any form of filtering or restriction whatsoever. Not only did the first line tech support demonstrate knowledge of this, but when I spoke to an elevated senior tech to be certain, he himself is an IRC regular (irssi, though wink ). It would have been wildly out of character for them to be up to no good regarding IRC in 2018 when they are very, very generous on other fronts.

Satisfied with this, I took another peek at the new modem/router, which they admitted to being a little unfamiliar with as it was the first big change in years. Eventually I located DHCP leases expiring every 3600 seconds on the mark as a firmware setting. This, of course, lines up identically with my 6 minute time out disconnections. I simply maxed that option out and it more-or-less "solved" my problem - technically, my DHCP lease will eventually time out, but I have another 68 years, approximately, before that comes to pass grin

This corrected my issue. For anyone else experiencing this problem, I suggest trying to take a look at the DHCP lease expiration limit in modem/router settings and confirming your new modem/router is not set to some ridiculous nonsense like that. There are no further interruptions to my use of mIRC since changing this value.

Thanks again to the both of you for your suggestions and of course a very sincere thank you to Khaled for making the only piece of software I've been using exclusively since the 90s. No other client has ever been as great as mIRC - best money I ever spent.

Take care!

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
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Thanks for letting us know. This sounds similar to connection-related issues that some users have reported in the past. For some users, this was due to the ISP disconnecting IRC connections but we never considered that for others it could have been a DHCP lease expiration setting in the modem. Thanks!

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