Here's a question for everyone. How can I take advantage of the $halted identifier across multiple script files, if using /halt is a disaster in itself?
I am not sure I would describe /halt as a "disaster".
Leaving aside potential issues of malicious scripts which use halt to hide messages and possibly replace them with something different, in my experience the only issue with /halt is ...
... that we cannot distinguish between scripts which use /halt to hide messages completely or those which /halt and then display the message themselves (e.g. in order to display the message somewhere other than mIRC's default window) ...
... and this is generally only an issue if the second script wants to hide or redirect the message too (rather than simply react or respond to it). It cannot hide a message which has been halted and then echoed, nor can it redirect the message somewhere else because it has already been echoed.
The solutions are IMO:
1. to use $halted to avoid echoing the message again or avoid echoing any message which assumes that the user has seen the original message, using code like:
if (!$halted) echo -s Stuff
2. to avoid halting and echoing the message by default (i.e. do it only when absolutely necessary) as some scripts like appear to do.