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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hi, I am running Win 2000 Pro SP3 Connecting to a german provider (T-Online) via LAN with a SNC Barricade 7004 ABR newest firmware The problem is that the provider here disconnects you after 24h hrs being online. After that you can reconnect as normal. The router does that by default, no problem. Thing is, that mIRC doesn't realize the reconnect and only when I write something it then realizes and says Disconnect and starts the reconnecting process. I am not a Pro at scripting with mIRC. Please could someone tell me what to enter in the remote (such as sending a png request each 30 secs to a BOT on the server automaticly), so that it realizes then it got disconnected and then tries to reconnect itself again. I am Operator on some Channels and I need to log the channels often when I am not present. IfI would have git to reconnect manually all the time, that would mean I would have got to stay at my PC for the Reconnect... that's a bit odd  Thx for help in advance
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Something really simple..  on *:connect:.timerpong 0 30 scon -at1 .raw ping 1 on *:pong:if $2 == 1 { halt }
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hey Nimue, thx for your reply. That was nearly perfect. Server replied with scon unknown command.... So I just left this scon -at1 out and it works. Thank you
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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You must be using an old (pre v6.0) version of mIRC. /scon is for multi-server.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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That's absolutly correct, I am using versin 5.92  You do know a lot about mIRC and scripting for that. I appreciate that a lot. If you don't mind, I got another question. When I have a disconnect and then it reconnects like it did befor I was using a router, that problem is solved. But another problem, I don't know a solution to it either... when reconnecting, the server still considers me as online and is moaning that a NiGHtOwL wants to join... is there a command which can be embeded i. e. that the server will accept me straight as NiGHtOwL again... something like a ghost command in an automatic version ? Again, thank you for your kindness.
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well assuming the server you are on has IRC services it most likely can be done. The easiest way to do it would be
on *:connect:{
if ($me != NiGHtOwL) {
.nickserv ghost NiGHtOwL YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
on *:notice:*Your ghost has been * killed*:?:{
if ($nick == nickserv && $me != NiGHtOwL) {
.nick NiGHtOwL
.nickserv identify YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
Replace the YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE with your NickServ password, also you may need to change the syntax of the .nickserv ghost and .nickserv identify lines if your network uses a different command. And you may also need to change the *Your ghost has been * killed* if your network uses a different notice to tell you the ghost was killed.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I am sorry, that doesn't work. After a Disconnect and automatic Reconnect, it keeps saying: ERROR Nickname is already in use NickServ: Your name is not registered Then it sets my nick to NiGHtOwL|afk After a while the IRC server realizes NiGHtOwL isn't there anymore and Quits NiGHtOwL Ping Timeout Me as NiGHtOwL|afk sees NiGHtOwL leaving. Might sound a bit weird I don't know, but that is what I see
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Register your nick  Type /nickserv help register
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hi Nimue, you again  My nickname is registered a long time already and it is in the perform as well too. /nickserv identify password regards
Last edited by NiGHtOwL; 02/06/03 08:08 AM.
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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raw:433:*: {
if ($me != NiGHtOwL) {
.timer 1 1 nickserv ghost NiGHtOwL YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
on *:notice:*Your ghost has been * killed*:?:{
if ($nick == nickserv && $me != NiGHtOwL) {
.nick NiGHtOwL
.timer 1 2 nickserv identify YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
try something like that i added the delay into it thru timers cause my script was fireing them too fast before the server actually allowed me to change nicks .... hopefully that does what your want ...... if it doesnt then u may need to do a /debug @debug and find thecorrect server raw numeric for the nicknam already in use message
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Thanks for your kind help as well D3m0n, I just added the lines you suggested to the remote, but unfortunatly that doesn't work. Your words underneath, well I do understand what you mean basicly, but I haven't got a clue hor to do it or how to find out. What happened is still, that when I get disconnected and then auto reconnect, then it still says like you considered as a maybe, "nickname in use" and it names me then NiGHtOwL|afk. After a while NIGHtOwL completly disappears with a QUIT and I remain as NiGHtOwL|afk. What I don't understand or better don't know how to find out is the thing about the raw number and the debug thing. I don't even know what it is. I am sorry. Again, thanks a lot all you guys who got so much patience with me. I do appreciate that a lot.
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In 'perform on connect' you could put /nickserv recover Nightowl <password> - that'll recover your nick and identify you as the owner, although you'll have to change your nick back manually if you reconnect as Nightowl-afk or whatever. I'm sure someone else can figure that one out for you though, scripting isn't my strong point, to say the least.
Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok two things come to mind maybe if u posted us the network your using we could give u a definate tested script ....... secondly why not upgrading from your current version of mirc to the newest available version?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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ok, the network is irc.german-elite.net and with upgrading I did try that, but I got in this one here so many neat alterations which I might lose.... so I wanted to stay with this one here. If the problem would be related to the version of mIRC I am using, then ok, I'll have to renounce on that what I asked here, but maybe it is server related. I asked ther in the help channel, but my question seemed to be too specific... Maybe it is just like that I want too much, I don't know  Anyways, thanks again for help...
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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raw 433:*Nickname is already in use*: {
.timer 1 1 nickserv ghost NiGHtOwL YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
on *:notice:*Your ghost has been * killed*:?:{
if ($nick == nickserv && $me != NiGHtOwL) {
.nick NiGHtOwL
.timer 1 2 nickserv identify YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
ok this i have tested now it does kill the nick thru services ..... the only other section ive not tested was the ghost reply message thru services ( i just used the one codemastr left ) if this fails to change your nickname for u then u need to modify this line of the above code: on *:notice:*SERVICES GHOSTED NICK MESSAGE HERE*:*:{ since your services is using german language files id assume the above code wont work and u will have to translate it ...... i dont know german sorry for that hopefully this will assit u further
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Thank you my friend and thanks for all other replies here. I will try that a.s.a.p. I am looking towards 3 stressfull weeks comin' up, cauz' I move my house...
I will let all ppl know here what worked. Thank you.
Last edited by NiGHtOwL; 03/06/03 02:50 AM.
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hi, I met someone who had a nice solution for it: paste into aliases: /gnr2 /nickserv ghost yournick yourpassword | /Nick yournick | /nickserv identify yourpassword The perform should look like this then: /gnr2 /join #yourchannel(s) /Nickserv identify yourpassword /timer 1 10 /nick yournick /timer 1 5 /nickserv release yournick yourpassword Thanks to all ppl who were so supportive and special thanks to ORCUS, user on german-elite.net, who came up with the last solution, which works great.  regards NiGHtOwL
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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NiGHtOwl is the the problem below the same as yours?
I'm not technical at all --- any help would be appreciated
Successfully connected to chat room (newbie) on Friday and Monday --- when I attempted to login Tuesday and today get the following msg
* Connecting to irc.othernet.org (6667) - xx Nickname is already in use. - XX Nickname is already in use
* Disconnect
mIRC auto retries tries a couple of times with same result.
Searched previous posts saw one from/to NiGHtOwl on 03/06/2003 that seemed similar -- it suggested adding instruction lines under the alias tab. Don't know if this applies to my situation and if yes how to properly apply? There is already a bunch of instruction lines under the alias tab.
Any help greatly appreciated.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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JK_STL, unfortunatly it seems that your problem is not the the same as mine. It might be that your Nickname is not registered and you are trying to use a nickname from another person who is registered at this server. I guess you should choose a nick first individual for yourself and once you are on the server, you register your name with: /msg nickserv register your_password_of_your_own_choice your_email After that the server will answer that u are registered. Keep your password in mind and this line is to enter into the perform of mIRC: /msg nickserv identify your password If it is not the problem... pls feel free to write back
Last edited by NiGHtOwL; 04/06/03 04:01 PM.
gr33tz NiGHtOwL
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Thanks for your post. It turned out someone else is/was using same nickname. As soon as I really modified it --- walla --- connected. Thanks again.