You're very unclear but that's probably because you are confused.
On text triggers when users speak, you can't determines if the user is desktop or mobile from that (it's not going to be indicated in their text message if they are, that is). If you can determines this from on text, then you can from others events and you should probably not do it inside the on text event.
By split it looks like you mean different paths, which is just simple if statement.
Basically in pseudo code:
on text # {
if ($desktop($nick)) {
if ($country($nick) == uk) {
do something for desktop and uk
elseif ($country($nick) == fr) {
do something for desktop and fr
else {
;if no desktop, we assume mobile
if ($country($nick) == uk) {
do something for mobile and uk
elseif ($country($nick) == fr) {
do something for mobile and fr