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#26001 26/05/03 12:24 AM
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 1
Kjella Offline OP
Mostly harmless
OP Offline
Mostly harmless
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 1
I would appriciate it if I could create different rules for different file types. Certainly, I can already select what directory to place different file types in, but I would also very much like to be able to set up rules like this: "Default: Ask, Video: Auto-get/resume, Text: Auto-get/overwrite, Vbs/scr/exe: Ignore" etc. I know the "Ignore all but:" setting can do the last part, but it works the wrong way. I want to specifically ignore some extensions, and be asked about the rest.


Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 26
Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 26
I would like to see that feature to, but in the mean time you can script it, something like this:

ctcp *:DCC SEND:{
; This will auto-get all .mp3 files to the folder MP3
if (.mp3 isin $3) {
dcc get $mircdirMP3\ $+ $filename
; This would auto-ingore all .vbs files
elseif (.vbs isin $3) {
echo 4 -a $nick Tried to send me $3
echo 4 -a Send blocked...

For this script to work you DO have to turn auto-get on. So be sure you have a secure script before using it.

Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 699
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 699
Use "if $gettok($filename,-1.46) == mp3", etc. The filename is not always 1 'word'.
e.g. "Nice.mp3 trojan.vbs"
Here, "if .mp3 isin $3" is $true, but the file extension is really .vbs

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