on *:TEXT:!multitwitch*:#: {
if ($0 == 2) {
msg $chan N.N. is playing with $peoplesIRLName($2) $twitchLink($2)
msg $chan If you want to watch both N.N. and $peoplesIRLName($2) but you only have one monitor: $multiTwitchLink($2)
elseif ($0 == 3) {
msg $chan N.N. is playing with $peoplesIRLName($2) $twitchLink($2) and $peoplesIRLName($3) $twitchLink($3)
msg $chan If you want to watch both N.N., $peoplesIRLName($2) and $peoplesIRLName($3) but you only have one monitor: $multiTwitchLink($2,$3)
elseif ($0 == 4) {
msg $chan N.N. is playing with $peoplesIRLName($2) $twitchLink($2) and $peoplesIRLName($3) $twitchLink($3) and $peoplesIRLName($4) $twitchLink($4)
msg $chan If you want to watch both N.N., $peoplesIRLName($2) $+ , $peoplesIRLName($3) and $peoplesIRLName($4) but you only have one monitor: $multiTwitchLink($2,$3,$4)
elseif ($0 == 5) {
msg $chan N.N. is playing with $peoplesIRLName($2) $twitchLink($2) and $peoplesIRLName($3) $twitchLink($3) and $peoplesIRLName($4) $twitchLink($4) and $peoplesIRLName($5) $twitchLink($5)
msg $chan If you want to watch both N.N., $peoplesIRLName($2) $+ , $peoplesIRLName($3) $+ , $peoplesIRLName($4) and $peoplesIRLName($5) but you only have one monitor: $multiTwitchLink($2,$3,$4,$5)
alias -l peoplesIRLName {
return $replace($1,N.N., N.N., N.N., N.N., N.N., N.N.,N.N., N.N.)
alias -l twitchLink {
return $+(twitch.tv/,$1)
alias -l multiTwitchLink {