
I have two scripts that I wish to combine, as I find both info and features beneficial, but I dunno how.

Script 1: The IP Nick Tracker

- The IP Nick Tracker whoises on join in all channels you're part of
- It opens in another @window and not in active window to keep your active window clean
- The whois info and nicks tracked are being saved in tracker.txt for future reference
- The IP Nick Tracker displays Nick, Alt Nicks used, IP address, Full names used, last seen (date) and channel just where it got spotted joining.

Script 2: mIRC WHOIS Information in @whois Window

- Active On-Join Check in all joined channels
- Displays Nick, Fullname, Ident@IP, Network Info, Connect time & Idle
- Display the target's CLONE/s in the channel (current/real time)
- Displays if target is logged in as a regular Cservice User or IRCop
- Displays Joined & Common Channels, Client info and set away

I'm able to get the Script 1 to be part of the @whois window. However, I couldn't get to combine them both. I wish for the Script 2 to have readini/write ini in that way it will also save in the tracker.txt, so I don't have to have two different text files for both. I also wish to remove some redundant info, in case they go combined (Eg. IP ADDRESS, NICK, FULL NAME -- since both have those).

In addition, I wish to have a separate line/argument for IRCCloud users. During whois, it uses the host (which is normal) but I wish for it to use the UID to be recorded and not the host, as it becomes useless. A lot uses IRCcloud and obviously, keeping it's log is useless, but keeping altnicks from the unique identifier would be useful!

I'll really appreciate anyone's feedback/response. I am not good in scripting yet, and just starting to learn from what's available online, and these two scripts making my brain so squeezed yet nothing materializes.

Last edited by Nutty2kFiddy; 01/06/16 03:12 PM. Reason: whois updated

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