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Hello everyone! I state that I have tried pretty much everywhere, but could not find anything ... I'm looking for an addon that allows me to change the "<>" in my and other nick (as in the example). here "<>": http://s32.postimg.org/urwdnq58l/test1.jpgAll this without using any theme or creators of themes. This is because now mirc is also very customizable without the creators of themes, which are quite difficult to create and edit for those who are beginners ... So my idea was to change the maximum, even in details, the mirc graphic that way! It would be really great if you could, and someone could help me. Really I've looked everywhere ... That's all, thank you!
Last edited by X_XUser; 23/05/16 10:13 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Of course you can! You can use the on text event, echo whatever you want and then do haltdef to stop the default message for appearing. Stuff that you will need for this easy script! - ON TEXT EVENT /help on text
- echo command /help /echo
- $nick identifier (it returns the nickname of the user that triggered the on text event)
- / haltdef command (stops the default text from being printed)
- $left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick (and this will return the prefix of the nockname
Good luck! If you need more help let us know!_
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Hi OrFeAsGr! First of all, thanks for the reply! However, the problem is that I do not know how to create these scripts. And I do not speak English ... I'm using Google Translate and it is a bit 'a mess even translate those answers xD Right now, I can create a few small things maybe watching the other scripts as they are made, short phrases, change colors etc. but these things I think it will still take quite a while 'time. So, if there was something that would allow to do it, maybe something already posted by someone, or something like that (with the respective credit!) I'd be grateful if you could have! I just need this to make at least one of my mIRC really nice staff as graphic 
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
echo $chan $+($iif(%npre, $v1,<),$left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1),$nick,$iif(%npos, $v1, >)
alias prepost {
set %npre $1
set %npos $2
Ok so this should do the trick! Do /prepost prefix postfix Example: prefix is < postfix is > Now you can change it to whatever you want. If you don't change it it will remain < and > Let me know if you need anything else!
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Thanks for the code, OrFeAsGr!
However, it seems not work. I tried it on a virgin mirc, and when I type: /prepost newprefix newpostix (like / PrePost [ ]) nothing happens. When I write remain the <> as before
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Oh.. i thought you wanted it changed only when others send a mesaage. For your own messages you should add this to the remote. ON *:INPUT:#: {
echo $active $+($iif(%npre, $v1, <),$left($nick($chan,$me),1),$me,$iif(%npos $v1, >)) $1-
Also change the first code with this
ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
echo $chan $+($iif(%npre, $v1,<),$left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1),$nick,$iif(%npos, $v1, >) $1-
alias prepost { set %npre $1 set %npos $2 }
i noticed a mistake and fixes it.
Last edited by OrFeAsGr; 23/05/16 01:18 PM.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I created the two .mrc files and loaded either on mirc. When I write any message tells me: / if invalid format but the message goes out (always with the <> though)
example, if I write "hi", comes out: /if invalid format <mynick> hi
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Eh sorry.. delete those codes and try this.. ON ^*:INPUT:#: {
echo $active $+($iif(%npre, $v1, <),$left($nick($chan,$me),1),$me,$iif(%npos $v1, >)) $1-
ON ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
echo $chan $+($iif(%npre, $v1,<),$left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1),$nick,$iif(%npos, $v1, >)) $1-
alias prepost {
set %npre $1
set %npos $2
I can't test them right now so sorry for the mistakes..
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You have nothing to apologize friend! I appreciate very much your help! When it finished the code above I'll put your nickname, so if others will also serve to pass around with the author's name!
Now, I tried the code. It does not give me error when I write, but does not show the timpestamp before the nick and change <> only to others, not me.
Last edited by X_XUser; 23/05/16 01:51 PM.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Hello guys! Can someone please finish this script? It would be a pity if it remained so ç_ç
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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In case someone wants something simular or for any reason.. this is the final snippet! ON *:INPUT:#: {
if ($left($1,1) != /) || ($left($1,4) == /msg) {
msg $iif($left($1,4) == /msg, $2 $3-, $active $1-)
ON ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
echo $chan $+($iif(%npre, $v1,<),$iif($istok(~ & @ % +,$left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1),32), $left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1), $null),$nick,$iif(%npos, $v1, >)) $1-
alias prepost {
set %npre $1
set %npos $2
alias msg {
if (!$1) {
echo -at 4Error14: /msg 14: No Channel Or NickName And Text Given
if ($1) {
if (!$2) && ($2 != $chr(48)) {
echo -at 4Error14: /msg 14: No Text Given To Send To $replace($1,$chr(35),$+($chr(03),14,$chr(35),$chr(03),06))
!.msg $1 $2-
echo -a $+($iif(%npre, $v1,<),$iif($istok(~ & @ % +,$left($nick($chan,$me).pnick,1),32), $left($nick($chan,$me).pnick,1), $null),$nick,$iif(%npos, $v1, >)) $2-
Do /prepost prefix postfix to set prefix and postfix respectively!
Last edited by OrFeAsGr; 03/06/16 05:24 PM.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Hello! thanks as always for the help, I also tried it today on a virgin mirc, now changes to me the <> but there is always the timestamp problem, how the hell is that does not appear? ç_ç
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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This should work with timestamps  ON *:INPUT:#: {
if ($left($1,1) != /) || ($left($1,4) == /msg) {
msg $iif($left($1,4) == /msg, $2 $3-, $active $1-)
ON ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
echo $chan $timestamp $+($iif(%npre, $v1,<),$iif($istok(~ & @ % +,$left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1),32), $left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1), $null),$nick,$iif(%npos, $v1, >)) $1-
alias prepost {
set %npre $1
set %npos $2
alias msg {
if (!$1) {
echo -at 4Error14: /msg 14: No Channel Or NickName And Text Given
if ($1) {
if (!$2) && ($2 != $chr(48)) {
echo -at 4Error14: /msg 14: No Text Given To Send To $replace($1,$chr(35),$+($chr(03),14,$chr(35),$chr(03),06))
!.msg $1 $2-
echo -at $+($iif(%npre, $v1,<),$iif($istok(~ & @ % +,$left($nick($chan,$me).pnick,1),32), $left($nick($chan,$me).pnick,1), $null),$nick,$iif(%npos, $v1, >)) $2-
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Ok, now it works perfectly!
One last thing, to make change even in the query, how can you do? (I tried by just putting another line only with the different event but nothing hahaha)
So they would be practically changed everywhere.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Ok guys, the work of this script went ahead (all by OrFeAsGr) and the script has been improved. Also with the addition of some functionality. So, for those interested here is the link to the complete design of this script: http://hawkee.com/snippet/17126/various updates, corrections, guide on how to use it, etc. all to that link. Plus OrFeAsGr profile with other his script and his link where you can find much more. Enjoy! 