I had a different question here, but I solved it. Currently, I am letting users of the chat get points, which will be added to a variable that uses %points $+ $nick (here is the code that does it)
on *:TEXT:!addpoint*:#: {
if ($nick isop #) {
inc %points $+ $nick
set -u10 %floodpoints On
set -u30 %floodpoints. $+ $nick On
msg $chan $nick has %points [ $+ [ $nick ] ] points
So, in my variables, I have something like this:
%pointsuser1 1
%pointsuser2 3
%pointsuser3 7
Now, I want the ability to reset all the %points variables, which will have many people from chat. Is it possible to reset them all at the same time? Or will I have to set each individual user's points variable to 0?
Last edited by ekwag; 03/02/16 06:18 AM.