I feel stupid asking another question (But hey, asking questions is how I learn-when i can't find the answer)

I want to make a paging command...Right now i have it 'working' with the line
on !1:TEXT:*!paging techchef*:#:/query techchef $chan You are being paged by $nick

so when someone types !paging techchef i get a PM...
I want to know if there is a way i can replace techchef with an Identifier that i can do that will take whatever name the person is paging and put it next to query?

(so like so)

on !1:TEXT:*!paging $identifier*:#:/query $identifier $chan You are being paged by $nick

Thanks for any help smile

No longer need help..I figured this out '$2' is what i needed...(as i said before-i am still learning)

Last edited by Techchef; 17/01/16 04:37 AM.