So basically I have been playing around trying to get this to work and would like to know if this is possible. I am trying to make it so that if someone is new in the chat, it welcomes them when they say something in the chat. If they are not new it welcomes them back.
I found this script on the forums, but I am trying to make it do something else instead. Currently it only works if they join and say something but I want to make so that if they say anything in the chat and they are new it welcomes them. Below is the code.
Example of what I am trying to do
on *:text:#channel1: {
if (!$read(joins.txt,nw,$nick)) {
msg $chan Welcome to the stream $nick $+ .
write joins.txt $nick
else { msg $chan Welcome back $nick $+ . }
on *:JOIN:#channel1: {
on *:text:*: {
if (!$read(joins.txt,nw,$nick)) {
msg $chan Welcome to the stream $nick $+ .
write joins.txt $nick
else { msg $chan Welcome back $nick $+ . }