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#252875 15/05/15 12:14 AM
Joined: Oct 2014
Posts: 49
JB_uk Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Oct 2014
Posts: 49
Hi all, the following script is concerning the activation of auto timed messages in a channel by the bot. I'm trying to do it so that it can run in multiple channels and the timer name will be different for each channel as shown by the $chan part in the timer name and name of the variables. This script in its current form doesn't seem to spew out any of the text in the file that it is reading from.

It is activated by typing the command followed by a number so then the messages are displayed every so many minutes
i.e. if the user typed !autocom 2 The messages would display every 2 minutes...

on *:TEXT:!autocom *:#: {
  if ($2 == off) { return }
  var %TimeAuto $2 
  var %FinalTimeAuto $+ $chan = %TimeAuto * 60
  if ($nick == $remove($chan,$chr(35))) {
    msg # /me AutoCom: ON
    .timerNow $+ $chan 72 (%FinalTimeAuto $+ $chan) Linksall #
  else { msg # $nick -> You do not have permission to perform this action. }

alias Linksall { 
  var %chan $1
  var %lines $lines(linksall $+ $remove($chan,$chr(35)).txt)
  if (!%counter) || (%counter > %lines) set %counter 1
  var %msg $read(linksall $+ $remove($chan,$chr(35)).txt,%counter)
  msg %chan %msg
  inc %counter

Any ideas lads?

Joined: May 2015
Posts: 249
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: May 2015
Posts: 249
You dont need unique %var`s for your script, "var %FinalTimeAuto = %TimeAuto * 60" is enough.
In your alias, you dont have $chan - you have only %chan (but using just $1 is shorter, instead of "var %chan = $1").

Dont give a fish - teach to fish!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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var %chan = $1 is better practice than assuming $1 will always be the channel; and it's more readable.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Var %chan, which wont be a chan name?)

Dont give a fish - teach to fish!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why wouldn't it be? He's passing # to the alias as $1.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Posts: 243
on *:TEXT:!autocom *:#: {
  if ($2 == off) { unset %counter | msg $chan Timed Messages For $chan Is Now Off }
  set $+(%,FinalTimeAuto,$chan) $calc($2 * 60)
  if ($nick == $remove($chan,$chr(35))) {
    describe $chan AutoCom: ON
    $+(.timerNow,$chan) 72 $($+(%,FinalTimeAuto,$chan),2) Linksall $chan
  else { msg # $nick -> You do not have permission to perform this action. }

alias Linksall { 
  var %chan = $remove($1,$chr(35))
  var %lines = $lines(linksall $+ %chan $+ .txt)
  if (!%counter) || (%counter > %lines) { set %counter 1 }
  var %msg = $read(linksall $+ %chan $+ .txt,%counter)
  msg $1 %msg
  inc %counter

Hi smile I modified some parts and it worked fine when i tested it.
Try it!!

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