Hey everyone, sorry to bother you with a post this simple but I'm just starting out with mIRC scripts and I can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong here...
on *:text:!mcuser:#:{
var %user = $readini(whitelist.ini, n, users, $nick)
if (%user!=$null){
msg $chan MC username for $nick is currently set as %user $+ .
msg $chan $nick has no MC username set.
When the script is triggered via "!mcuser" an error appears, saying
/if: insufficient parameters (line 3, mcUser)
with mcUser being the name of the script.
As far as I'm aware, the syntax is correct. Can anyone see what's wrong?
I'm still unsure as to what is wrong with the above text, but amending the text to this:
on *:text:!mcuser:#:{
var %user = $readini(whitelist.ini, n, users, $nick)
$iif(%user=!$null, msg $chan MC username for $nick is currently set as %user $+ ., msg $chan $nick has no MC username set.)
solved it.