this wont look very different from what you've already seen but I felt it Needed some very minor changes
on *:text:!count*:#: {
if ((%floodcount) || ($($+(%,floodcount.,$nick),2))) { return }
set -u10 %floodcount On
set -u30 %floodcount. $+ $nick On
if ($nick isop #DEFULTCHANNEL) return
var %channel $iif($2,$2,#DEFULTCHANNEL)
var %users $calc($nick(%channel,0) - 1)
msg $chan $nick There are %users users in %channel $+ .
If you have people modding for you, only you and those people that you /mod can use this command.
The Flood thingy (I'm so technical) will prevent anyone spamming the command.
It shouldn't count, you the mods, or your bot.
Hope you enjoy