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#251935 10/03/15 01:07 AM
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Nillen Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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I'd like to be see something like this

/timer3+ off
;Turns off all timers from 3 and above.
/timer3- off
;Turns off all timers from 3 and below.
/timer3-7 off
;Turns off all timers from 3 to 7.

Nillens @ irc.twitch.tv
Nillen @ irc.rizon.net
Nillen #251936 10/03/15 01:25 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What purpose would this serve other than cosmetics?
How would this be beneficial to scripters?
Can you give an actual use-case of the suggestion?
This suggestion has the possibility of breaking backwards compatability with older scripts. Someone could code a timer with the name "1-2", your suggestion would either interfer with that or work in an unintended way.

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 10/03/15 01:32 AM.

I am SReject
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you want this ability use named timers and wildcards

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Nillen Offline OP
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Hoopy frood
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I use multiple timers to check market API on a game I play. I'd like to be able to close numbers of them at a time.

Even if I were to use named timers, I'd have to script something nice that would close all $timer(name,%i) while %i != my target

Note that at times I can have up to 70 timers at once, and it's not something as simple to combine all the timers to be more concise.
This is all controlled remotely by not only me, but other users as well.

Nillens @ irc.twitch.tv
Nillen @ irc.rizon.net
Nillen #251942 10/03/15 02:47 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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alias extimer {
if (!$1) { 
echo -st /extimer error: wrong format
else {
if ($right($1,1) == +) {
if ($gettok($1,1,43) isnum 1-$timer(0)) {
var %x = $gettok($1,1,43)
while (%x <= $timer(0)) {
$+(.timer,%x) off 
inc %x
echo -st Halted Timers $gettok($1,1,43) and up
elseif ($gettok($1,1,43) !isnum 1-$timer(0)) {
echo -st /extimer error: The Active Timers Are $timer(0)
elseif ($right($1,1) == -) {
if ($numtok($1,45) == 1) {
if ($gettok($1,1,45) isnum 1-$timer(0)) {
var %x = 1 
while (%x <= $gettok($1,1,45)) {
$+(.timer,%x) off
inc %x 
echo -st Halted Timers $gettok($1,1,45) and down 
elseif ($gettok($1,1,43) !isnum 1-$timer(0)) {
echo -st /extimer error: the active timers are $timer(0) 
elseif ($numtok($1,43) == 2) {
if ($gettok($1,1,43) isnum 1-$timer(0)) || ($gettok($1,2,43) isnum 1-$timer(0)) {
var %x = $gettok($1,1,43)
while (%x <= $gettok($1,2,43)) {
$+(.timer,%x) off
echo -st Halted Timers From $gettok($1,1,43) to $gettok($1,2,43)
else {
if ($gettok($1,1,43) !isnum 1-$timer(0)) || ($gettok($1,2,43) !isnum 1-$timer(0)) {
echo -st /timerex error: Wrong Format ( $1 )

i cant test it on my own cause im not on my pc.
May Khaled be with you :p
Not exactly the format you asked for but i think it could work for now :p

Last edited by OrFeAsGr; 10/03/15 02:54 AM.
OrFeAsGr #251943 10/03/15 03:06 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Hmmm i just saw i made a terrible mistake..
elseif ($right($1,1) == -)
This just cancels one part of the script.. ill try correcting later cause im gonna sleep on my phone ... if you like my temporary idea ..:p see ya!!!

OrFeAsGr #251946 10/03/15 01:34 PM
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Nillen Offline OP
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Hoopy frood
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I could script it myself. I'd most likely script some sort of ui on my personal mIRC that pulls info from the bot through a notice or privmsg and then populate a list in the ui where I can control them easier. I just don't like that solution since it's not nearly as fast nor productive as it would have been if it was natively available in mIRC.

It would require me to loop through the number of timers each time creating a new timer.
When TimerGather2 is available but 3,4,5 is already taken I'd have to break the loop and put the new timer on the first slot available.
Then I'd have to loop through the timers to send info to the other UI. I'd then have to loop through the timers to close all within specified range.
It's just not a pretty script, and it could be so much faster and easier to control if it was natively supported. Hence my request.

Nillens @ irc.twitch.tv
Nillen @ irc.rizon.net
Nillen #251951 10/03/15 09:18 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Originally Posted By: Nillen
Note that at times I can have up to 70 timers at once, and it's not something as simple to combine all the timers to be more concise.
Why would you have so many timers running. What reasons would stop you from being able to batch timers?

Originally Posted By: Nillen
Even if I were to use named timers, I'd have to script something nice that would close all $timer(name,%i) while %i != my target
If you want to keep all but one timer running, why not just store the timer's (reps, delay, time-left, command), disable all timers, and then reinitialize the one you want.

With named timers you could also group certain timers together, so /timergroupA* off would turn of only timers from groupA

I am SReject
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Nillen Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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The timers are all remotely controlled by members of a channel. The script starts a timer based on the users preference and checks the market every so often based on preference. The bot is hosted on a server remotelly and I want to control which timers are active and not. Some of them I deem are unneccesary and I want easier controls to close them.

For instance. User A wants to check the market price for Tritanium in three different regions of the universe every 600 seconds. This starts one timer with specifications to check those 3 regions for Tritanium on the market and report the sale price to him.

Another user wants to check one single system's prices of a certain ship, cause he knows someone will put up multiple of them in a short while, so he starts a timer to check a certain system every 10 seconds for a certain ship. This replies with the specified sale price for that item under those specifications.

Imagine putting 70 of these together under the same alias and calling it once per every 10 seconds. Simply not practically doable.
Some users require checks for short durations while other just want to keep updated on the market price of what they're manufacturing and can keep timers only per hour. But the consensus is that they all need their own timer.

Nillens @ irc.twitch.tv
Nillen @ irc.rizon.net

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