I just saw an action taken by a @ from a channel (no irc operator):
Example pepito typed: !kb Maria
pepito add mode [+b *!*@A1KZQ3.DiGY0Z.virtual ]
pepito add mode [+b Maria!*@* ]
CHaN add mode [+b *!android@159.33.21.* ]
Maria has been expelled for CHaN [[2] pepito -> breach of rules ]
The third ban the bot gives is the real ip... it is ovious that an akick is done throgh a comand. but what I don't understand is how I can get the real IP without the user coming in to the channel?
I was able to take the first two bans
if ($1 == !kb) {
mode $chan +b $address($2,2)
mode $chan +b $2
**missing command AKICK**
Would fail me to know how to give the 3rd ban (akick) so you give it to the ident and real ip.