I knew how to get the channels by numeric 319, but to use %channels on /who I need to save it by performing a /whois on the person first.
My question was however just if there was a way to get all the channels a user is on by just doing a /who on him/her.
And I can't see any need to use variables on /whois replys...
I am but a newbie when it comes to mIRC though, so I might have missed something...
And in all honestly...I have no idea how tokens work...
Thanks for the answer though, I feel kinda bad rejecting ppl when they try to help me...
So I take in conclusion that /who can only show the first channel in response, unless you trigger a /whois upon the target to get the channels, then save them as KingTomato just showed...
"I learned something new

If anyone have a good newbie tutorial about tokens I would be very happy to get the link.
And thanks alot those of you who tried to help me, pls bear with this poor newbie for asking stupid questions...