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#249596 06/12/14 02:43 PM
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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So I got these points all loaded up in some hash tables..

looks like this


I'd like to be able to put together a !top 10..I'm just not sure I understand how to efficiently iterate over this and how you put it in order?

So I guess the questions are, how would I go about getting the top X values, and how would I got about check a particular value's rank at a given time(example a player is rewarded points for a minigame and they move from rank 299 to rank 250). Can I just iterate over this with a while statement..is that the right way to do it?

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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I found this via google..It might answer my question. I'll give it a go.

On second thought, maybe I don't understand whats being said in that thread. frown

var %i = 1, %n = $hget(table,0).data, %high.item, %high.data
while (%i <= %n) {
  if ($hget(table,%i).data > %high.item) {
    %high.item = $hget(table,%i).item
    %high.data = $v1
  inc %i

Ok this is what loki posted..sooo I feel like its the right way to do things. I'm just gotta copy it here so its here.

Ok So I've been looking at this and I get what it does..it goes through the hash table and constantly compares the current value %i with the last known high and replaces it when its higher. Ugh this is frustrating, it seems like keeping numbers in order would be a thing a computer should do so naturally and sadly I can't figure out a proper way to do this. Do I need to basically do what is above but just loop through it ten times to get a top 10 list and what if I want 1,000 things sorted?

Oh god, its this filter command. This came up the other day and when I saw the helpfile for it I scurried away.

  // Sort table in descending order into a temp file (this can also be done in a custom window)
  hsave -n table file.tmp
  filter -ffcuten 2 32 file.tmp file.tmp

  // Get the Nth top value
  echo -a $hget(table,$gettok($read(file.tmp,N),1,32)).item

Ok, I guess I'll look into this.

/filter [-asgdfwxnpriocteubglL] [n-n2] [c s] <INFILE dialog |> <OUTFILE dialog |> [alias] <MATCHTEXT>

Is this real life?

Ok I was able to play with this until it worked for me. I do not understand it at all though. frown

Last edited by Belhifet; 06/12/14 04:42 PM.
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Ok..so I'm having a problem with what I made to calculate the rank of a nick based on their point total.

alias moresatanicfiltercommand {
  unset %rank. $+ $1 $+ $2
  if ($($+(%,channelisonline.,$1),2) == False) {
    hmake $($+($1,.points),2) 
    hload -i $($+($1,.points),2) $($+(points.,$1,.ini),2)  
    hsave -i $($+($1,.points),2) file.tmp
    var %x $read(file.tmp, nw, $2 $+ *)
    var %n $calc($readn - 1)
    hsave -n $($+($1,.points),2) file2.tmp
    filter -ffcuten 2 32 file2.tmp file3.tmp
    var %x $read(file3.tmp, nw, %n *)
    set -u1000 %rank. $+ $1 $+ $2 $readn
    hfree $($+($1,.points),2)
  elseif ($($+(%,channelisonline.,$1),2) == True) {
    hsave -i $($+($1,.points),2) file.tmp
    var %x $read(file.tmp, nw, $2 $+ *)
    var %n $calc($readn - 1)
    hsave -n $($+($1,.points),2) file2.tmp
    filter -ffcuten 2 32 file2.tmp file3.tmp
    var %x $read(file3.tmp, nw,%n *)
    set -u1000 %rank. $+ $1 $+ $2 $readn

The first part works properly, when the twitch channel is offline. The hash table is already made when the channel is online so I figured I'd use that. But it doesn't function in the same way and I'm afraid that I only vaguely understand why the first section worked so troubleshooting the second section is difficult. By not working I mean it doesn't come up with an accurate rank based on the total points of the user.

I was hoping someone could explain why they are in a different order in the second version and maybe I could figure out how to fix it from there? Also I'm doing var %x $read(file.tmp, nw, $2 $+ *) this just so I can use the $readn on the next line, is there a different/better way to use $readn?

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Ok..so when I said the first part works properly, I was unaware that it (of course) doesn't *really* work properly. For the most part when $($+(%,channelisonline.,$1),2) == False this section works. But it doesn't work right away after changing from True to False. Which probably just means I have some logical errors in the script and it just happens to work when the ini file naturalizes itself after being saved from a hash table. I'm still trying to figure this out but every time I come up with an explanation it doesn't explain why both why the false works when offline for a bit, and the true doesn't.

I'm pretty sure I have a reworked version/idea (I haven't got in functioning code wise) that will work but I wish I knew why the first attempt failed.

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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so after playing with this for way too long I deleted it and started again using Loki's version as a base line..

alias moresatanicfiltercommand {
  unset %rank. $+ $1 $+ $2
  if ($($+(%,channelisonline.,$1),2) == False) {
    hmake $($+($1,.points),2) 
    hload -i $($+($1,.points),2) $($+(points.,$1,.ini),2)  
    findrank $1 $2
    hfree $($+($1,.points),2)
  elseif ($($+(%,channelisonline.,$1),2) == True) {
    findrank $1 $2
alias findrank {
  var %i = 1, %n = $hget($($+($1,.points),2),0).data, %higherranks = 1,%username $hget($($+($1,.points),2), $2)
  while (%i <= %n) {
    if ($hget($($+($1,.points),2),%i).data > %username) {
      inc %higherranks
    inc %i
  set -u1000 %rank. $+ $1 $+ $2 %higherranks

This work much better, ty.

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