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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Window Throttle Allow users of MIRC to control the amount of bandwidth each channel window should take up. You could have: High, Medium, Low or actual numbers. This information can be set when the user adds a channel to his/her channel folder. For example, say a user is on 10 channels. 9 of those channels are very inactive. The user may give the channel a limited amount of bandwidth. While the remaining active channel gets more bandwidth.
Picture Info Allow MIRC users to include a picture of them selves. When another user does a /whois or checks the info of another mIRC chatter he will be able to see a picture of the user. Of course the user can always check a box to disable that option.
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Hoopy frood
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Neither of these are possible. mIRC is just an IRC client, it can't change the IRC protocol, the protocol is handled by the server, not the client.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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codemastr, you lack imagination..
For the picture Idea, it could be possible by having "some_code" at the end of the "name".
is $chr(1)
What would happen then is the person doing the /whois would send the person a DCC style notice, a connection would be initiated, the picture download, and then displayed.
The "code" could include the size of the picture, so while mIRC is waiting for the file to download, it just puts a dummy pic up.
The picture would of course be optional, and for any IRC client that doesn't support this option, it degrades well enough.. They'll just see something like "65465165" after someone's name.. That's not really that big of a deal, is it?
A script could be created to do this, but it'd have to display the whois info and pic in a dialog or picture window.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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PICTURE1234 sub7.exe
Yea I can see that being a really fun feature. Or even better, load 500 clones, make them each /whois a person (no one is flooding) and now that person is sending his/her picture to 500 people, causing possibly the ISP to cancel the user's account, and the user to most certainly be disconnected due to the amount of information they are sending. It's not that I'm unimaginative, I simply thought of something like this, then realized all the problems that would arise, then said, is it really worth it? In my mind, no it isn't.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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uh, only picture files would actually do anything. if the file being transfered was an ".exe" file, it wouldn't display.. It's not like mIRC runs picture files to display them..
With the security issue, it obviously wouldn't allow for 500 connections.. duh. That's a basic security that is kind of implied when an idea like this is stated..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok consider this, my image contains pornography. There are laws about who can see pornography. How should mIRC verify the user is of an appropriate age?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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both of those ideas are not something thats possible with the current way irc protocal works ..... basically no matter what u suggest in this area as a workaround would have to change irc protocal ....... thus meaning the ircds themselves would then have to be changed to accept this
its simpler to have someone ask hey u got a pic? person replies Yeah u the say hey could u dcc it to me? person says yes or no depending on whether ur a twit or not ... thats so much simpler and less hassle than reinventing a new roadway system so that u can drive ur car entirely different than uve driven it for the past oh lets say 70 or so years basically if u dont want to follow the rules of traffic dont drive on the road ..... translates to if u dont wanna follow the rules of irc dont use an irc client
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Well, the idea I mentioned wouldn't really be changing IRC protocal, it's just be a workaround using the current protocol..
It'd be sloppy as hell, but useful, and the sloppiness would only be apparant to non-mIRC users.. hehe
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Hoopy frood
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ok if your idea isnt against irc protocal then what numerical raw is it that is used for it in the whois raws? answer .. there isnt one ..... it would then be part of an overlapping dcc protocal where ur automatically sending things ..... then in which case u have to make sure u setup to dcc properly ....... yeah u sure have some really excellant workaround there!
you didnt answer one single question on the whole issue ... a regular irc user doesnt see a whois on them unless they are an ircop normally ... most all info on a whois is actually stored internally in the server u are on ... did u know that? change ur real name field in mirc and see if u can whois yourself and see if that changes ..... you obviously know nothing of how irc protocal works. Why must u argue things u know nothing about?
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Hoopy frood
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its simpler to have someone ask hey u got a pic? person replies Yeah u the say hey could u dcc it to me? person says yes or no depending on whether ur a twit or not
_D3m0n_, unfortunately your idea is completely insensitive of twits and stalkers and people who don't have a lot of time to start a social conversation only to find out the person on the other end looks like a harrier version of themselves. How time consuming!
The idea would seem ok, if the server allowed you to stick a long-ass website URL in the Gecos after your Real Name... perhaps mIRC could identify .bmp/.gif/.jpg/.png extensions and load this picture when someone does a /uwho on them.
But ultimately seems like a useless idea that would never catch on.
- Raccoon
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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well lets look at it like this .....
your a server owner and your using a ton of the machine ur on memory just for your ircd .. let alone anythign else u have in it ... to add just one more thing into the gecos of each and every user for smaller networks is not really a problem ..... but if your a huge network and u have a thousand users ormore on one server then guess what ..... u may as well went and not dont that and just accepted 1300 users on ur server ...... your server would have more usage for the same number of users ...... not only should this idea not catch on ... it should have been luaghed at from the begining especially when networks are going thru bandwidth attacks and such at this point in time ....... this would only add to things and make them worse ..... yes ideas are great but lets look at the reality of them and not the dream come true dating service ppl think irc has become
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Vogon poet
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D3m0n, [deleted by moderator]. You have no right to be condescending and rude.. I do not respond posts you've made like that, so I expect the same in return. You also need to keep in mind that you are ASSUMING that I know nothing about how IRC works.. My posts have not broken the rules with how IRC works, they have just bent them.. The "solution" I proposed was not serious.. I never said it was "perfect" or anything like that, did I? I assumed that people would read it as it is, as a feature that would not be implimented for obvious reasons.. I just showed a "solution" that I knew would never be implimented because the user I was responding to said that it was "impossible". So I showed how it wasn't impossible..  It would "use the current 'protocol'" in that it'd just be using the "name" spot for the picture.. It wouldn't require a change in IRC protocol to work as he said.. Did I even say it would "automatically update their picture listing without having to reconnect to the server"? How is your arguement here even valid? I know that users don't send their whois info to other users.. duh.. That's why I said that the mIRC client of the person doing the whois would use the info included to then send a DCC style notice to the other client to initiate the transfer.. (did you even read the post??) I also mentioned that a picture would be optional.. So how would "u have to make sure u setup to dcc properly ......."? Final note: Chill?
Last edited by ParaBrat; 23/05/03 12:52 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yes repeating your stupid ideas makes them sound more appealing keep repeating them and other may believe what your suggesting is a good idea too
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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It isn't that hard to ask for pics, but there is a reason why pretty much every forum and chat client has some way for someone to view the picture of the person they're talking to (or some other picture the person puts up instead) automatically instead of manually. It just enhances the whole expirience of talking and allows people to express themselves more freely and with less effort. In my opinion, it is not a worthless idea to add some sort of auto-transmission of a picture. It has it's uses (in reality) and it is practical. The problem is figuring out how to impliment it on mIRC. (and of course, I can't urge this enough, it would always be optional, just as it is with 99.9999999% of the other chat clients in the world that have this option..)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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make your own script to do it the way you said ... using on raws u can trigger your notice to send a small picture that u select ...... then setup a trigger that will respond to that incoming notice ...... and have it auto send that image ... there is your solution to having your perrty lil picture in a whois now quit complaining and go do it then send your mirc script to all ur friends
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Hoopy frood
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To the two of you: I was being painfully sarcastic in my previous post about 'requesting for pics being too time consuming'... in fact, I was supporting Demon's prior post. There should be no reason why you cannot ask someone for their pic, if they really mean that much to you, or you probably shouldn't be hastling them for a pic anyway. Secondly Demon, it would require no resources of the server admin, this would be completely Client Side (AKA mIRC). The Gecos Field (AKA Real Name Field) is where you put stuff like your Real Name, Email Address, Website URL to your Picture... you get the idea. It would just be up to mIRC to detect this www.*.jpg in there. comprendë? No actual "pix" get uploaded to the IRC server, they reside on your homepage as always, in the dimensions required by mIRC. Still a lame idea though.
2 Ideas > /dev/nul
(neato, my hundredth post)
Well. At least I won lunch. Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well. At least I won lunch. Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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_D3m0n_ ..
I don't even know why you're arguing, .. have you even read my posts or are you just going crazy for no reason?
and.. duh, I know a script could be created, here's a quote of the last sentence I posted in my first reply post: "A script could be created to do this, but it'd have to display the whois info and pic in a dialog or picture window."
I am not arguing for the idea I mentioned.. It was a semi-sarcastic joke. I am arguing that implementing some sort of method for allowing people to easily see a pic that someone has set as "their pic" is a useful and viable option. If you want to argue against that.. go ahead, you have yet to do so, however.. I also stated that the problem is figuring out how to do it exactly.
The main problem with creating a script is that it would only work with someone who has the script.. And that forfeits most of the appeal of this option..
Stop being obuse and difficult. Geez..
I'm going to reiterate something here: I am NOT arguing for my idea of sticking a link or code into the "name" part of a person's whois info. I AM arguing FOR the implimentation of a personalized picture that others can view easily (such as some type of mIRC profile).
Last edited by ParaBrat; 26/05/03 04:50 PM.
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