Hi there. I was a bit interested in Sparkz'
post about making ini files in alphabetic order, so I decided to give it a try.
I have no idea how to work with /window or /filter so I can't create something like the famous Top 10 script:
on *:TEXT:!top5:#:{
top10 #
alias top10 {
window -h @. | var %i 1
while $ini(casino.ini,%i) {
aline @. $v1 $readini(casino.ini,$v1,money)
inc %i
filter -cetuww 2 32 @. @.
var %i 1 | while %i <= 5 {
var %list $addtok(%list,$line(@.,%i),44)
inc %i
echo -agt msg # Top 5: $replace(%list,$chr(44),$+($chr(44),$chr(32)))
window -c @.
Thus I decided to use files and use the built-in windows alphabetical system.
Here's the script I made:
on *:text:!organize &:#Nillen: { set %call # | organize $2- }
;Usage: /organize <file>
;/fill is used to rewrite the test.ini file to values used
alias organize {
if (!$1) { act Please specify a file. | halt }
var %file $qt($1-)
if (.ini !isin %file) { act This script only works with ini files. | halt }
if ($ini(%file,0)) var %secs $v1
else { act Couldn't find specified file. %file | halt }
if (!$isdir(temp)) mkdir temp
handle_ini temp %file
noop $findfile(temp\,*.ini,0,handle_ini %file $qt($1-))
unset %call
alias act {
if (%call) msg $v1 $1-
else echo -a $1-
alias fill {
.remove test.ini
writeini test.ini Loka Water Lemon
writeini test.ini Bonaqua Water Natural Light Carbonation
writeini test.ini Ramlösa Water Natural
alias handle_ini {
tokenize 32 $1-
var %file $2
var %secs $ini(%file,0)
while (%secs) {
var %sec $ini(%file,%secs)
var %destination $iif($1 == temp,$+(temp\,%sec,.ini),$v1)
var %items $ini(%file,%sec,0)
while (%items) {
var %item $ini(%file,%sec,%items)
var %value $readini(%file,%sec,%item)
writeini %destination %sec %item %value
act wrote %destination %sec %item %value
dec %items
dec %secs
.remove %file
[13:40] <Eepa> !organize test.ini
[13:40] <~Nillen> wrote temp\Loka.ini Loka Water Lemon
[13:40] <~Nillen> wrote temp\Ramlösa.ini Ramlösa Water Natural
[13:40] <~Nillen> wrote temp\Bonaqua.ini Bonaqua Water Natural Light Carbonation
Expected result:
[13:40] <Eepa> !organize test.ini
[13:40] <~Nillen> wrote temp\Loka.ini Loka Water Lemon
[13:40] <~Nillen> wrote temp\Ramlösa.ini Ramlösa Water Natural
[13:40] <~Nillen> wrote temp\Bonaqua.ini Bonaqua Water Natural Light Carbonation
[13:40] <~Nillen> wrote test.ini Bonaqua Water Natural Light Carbonation
[13:40] <~Nillen> wrote test.ini Loka Water Lemon
[13:40] <~Nillen> wrote test.ini Ramlösa Water Natural
Note that this is accomplishable if I manually enter the 13th line replacing %file with the proper value.
//noop $findfile(temp\,*.ini,0,handle_ini test.ini $qt($1-))
With this information I figured that there's probably a bug with $findfile not properly working when the same script created the file.
Tested using a fresh portable client as well, same result:
7 7.36 0b98d50ad3b148e7dbe78a90ae8e3f2f ok 1 1 0 0
Now, if anyone would like to post a "real" version of this script using /filter and /window, I'd definitely appreciate it. I'd like to first and foremost study it and create scripts around it, as well as actually use the script.
Edit: I have tried using the script with a timer 1 5 before the $findfile without success as well. The timer starts and halts properly but nothing comes out of it.