on *:text:*:#:{
var %nick $eval($+(%,account,$nick),2), %2 $eval($+(%,account,$2),2)
if ($1 == !stats) {
if (%nick == on) {
if ($2 == $null) {
msg $chan 8,1¤7Your Stats8¤ 7Name:15 %name [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 8¤7Health:15 %health [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 8¤7Thirst:15 %thirst [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 8¤7Age:15 %age [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 8¤7Rank:15 %rank [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
elseif (%2 == off) /msg $chan Sorry $nick $2 is on LOA, they set themself to LOA on %LOATIME [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
elseif (%2 == on) /msg $chan 8,1¤7 $2 $+ 's Stats8,1¤ 7Name:15 %name [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 8¤7Health:15 %health [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 8¤7Thirst:15 %thirst [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 8¤7Age:15 %age [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 8¤7Rank:15 %rank [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
elseif ($1 == !LOA) {
if (%account [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
set %account [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
set %LOA [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ON
set %LOATIME [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $asctime
msg $chan $nick is now set to LOA.
elseif ($1 == !LOAreturn) {
if (%account [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == off) {
set %account [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
set %LOA [ $+ [ $nick ] ] OFF
unset %LOATIME [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
msg $chan $nick has returned from LOA.