
I used a script posted in another thread to have the highlights from every channel in the same window but I'm running into a problem. Instead of using the highlights I've set in the highlight tab of mIRC Address Book, I have to specify in the code what highlights I want to have for the window.

on *:text:*:#:{
  var %x $me Draelor Nah`utal Nah'utal Drae Nick Sergeant SGT
  var %y $numtok(%x,32)
  while %y {
    if $wildtok($strip($1-),$token($+(*,%x,*),%y,32),1,32) {
      $iif(!$window(@highlights),window -ak0 @Highlights)
      echo @Highlights $timestamp $+ [ $+ $chan $+ ]< $+ $nick $+ > $1-
    dec %y

; This is for the /me stuff

on *:action:*:#:{
  var %x $me Draelor Nah`utal Nah'utal Drae Nick Sergeant SGT
  var %y $numtok(%x,32)
  while %y {
    if $wildtok($strip($1-),$token($+(*,%x,*),%y,32),1,32) {
      $iif(!$window(@highlights),window -ak0 @Highlights)
      echo @Highlights $timestamp $+ [ $+ $chan $+ ]< $+ $nick $+ > $1-
    dec %y

the "var %x $me Draelor Nah`utal" is where the highlights are specified. What I would like it's either to tell mIRC to go check the highlights in the Address Book and use them; or, if it's not possible, can I have highlights composed of a few words like in my address book?