good point, easy to forget that not everyone knows they can see the link url just by putting the mouse over it, and it could lead to abuse. Since it is useful to aim them to another thread i usually put "see this thread" as opposed to something like "click me". Admitedly anyone could use any phrase and really be linking to something no one should click on. Altho i used to put the url in plain view, i stopped doing it after complaints that those using large font style sheets found it difficult to read.
*ponder* on the other hand, i guess that even an url in full view could be a less than nifty place to go just as easily. If i saw "Trend's Housecall" or "this webpage for virus scan" and checked the url before i clicked, i would know thats a safe site to click on , but others wouldnt know the diff even if i gave the full url, so its kind of a catch22 isnt it

I'd hate for ppl to hesitate to post useful urls here, that would limit the help we give. How about we at least say "this thread" or "BlahBlah's web page" as opposed to just "click here" or "click me" or "go here" ?