Hello everyone,
I am just starting out on script writing. Right now all I've got is a "registration" script that writes an ini file stating you have registered and a script that writes to the same file creating a password.
The problem I am having is I can't find said ini file once it's been written.
That is the ini file I am trying to find. When I attempt to load a script, it appears. But when I load the script, nothing shows up:
Now when I go to my actual folder that my mirc program is in, there are no other files:
And even when I try the run command on the ini file I want, I get this message:
Am I missing something really obvious about this? I know the ini file exists, because my commands are still working and acknowledging that I already wrote the ini file.
Here is the script:
on *:TEXT:`register:*: {
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,register) == done) { /notice $nick 12(15You have already registered $+ . Type `help to see what the bot can currently do $+ .12) | halt }
/notice $nick 12(15This is the registration process $+ . Type `zoids to see a list of starter zoids you can choose from $+ .12)
on *:TEXT:`zoids:*: {
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,register) == done) { halt }
/notice $nick 12(15The starter zoids are $+ : Pteras $+ , Godos $+ , and Shield Liger $+ . Please type `register <zoid choice> to select your zoid and complete the registration process $+ .12)
on *:TEXT:`register *:*: {
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,register) == done) { /notice $nick 12(15You have already registered $+ . Type `help to see what the bot can currently do $+ .12) | halt }
if ($2- == Pteras) {
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick zoid Pteras
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick speed .3
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick health 700
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick basehealth 700
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick armor 50
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick armortype Normal Armor
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick money 5000
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick EXP 0
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack1 Missile pod
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack2 Bomb
/writeini $nick $+ .ini Zoids pteras 1
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick register done
/notice $nick 12(15You are now registered in the $2- $+ . Last thing is to set a password $+ . Please message $me with `setpass <password> to do so $+ .12)
if ($2- == Shield Liger) {
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick zoid Shield Liger
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick speed .5
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick health 650
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick basehealth 650
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick armor 30
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick armortype Normal Armor
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick money 5000
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick EXP 0
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack1 Shield Slice
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack2 Strike Laser Claw
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick shield 1000
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick baseshield 1000
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick shieldtype Basic Shield
/writeini $nick $+ .ini Zoids shieldliger 1
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick register done
/notice $nick 12(15You are now registered in the $2- $+ . Last thing is to set a password $+ . Please message $me with `setpass <password> to do so $+ .12)
if ($2- == Godos) {
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick zoid Godos
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick speed .7
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick health 1300
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick basehealth 1300
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick armor 300
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick armortype Normal Armor
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick money 5000
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick EXP 0
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack1 Buster Cannon
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack2 Twin Machine Gun
/writeini $nick $+ .ini Zoids godos 1
/writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick register done
/notice $nick 12(15You are now registered in the $2- $+ . Last thing is to set a password $+ . Please message $me with `setpass <password> to do so $+ .12)
on *:TEXT:`setpass *:?:{
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,password,pass) == $null) {
/writeini $nick $+ .ini password pass $2-
/notice $nick 12(15Your password is now: $2- $+ 12)
/writeini $nick $+ .ini password passaccept on | halt
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,password,passaccept) != on) {
/notice $nick 12(15You must identify before you can change your password $+ . Type `identify <password> to do so $+ . $+ 12) | halt }
/writeini $nick $+ .ini password pass $2-
/notice $nick 12(15Your password is now: $2- $+ 12)
The "stats" don't do anything at the moment. And I haven't finished the `identify portion of the password script. But I noticed my missing ini file and wanted to figure this out before I went any further. I feel like this is just something that I'm not noticing or a simple typo.... But I would appreciate anyone's help figuring this out.
Thank you!! (I apologize if this post is long and if the pictures are huge... I couldn't really tell how big they would be. "/ )