You should use the [ code ] and [ /code ] , and I added one } at the end for you

on 1:TEXT:*:#some-channel:{
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
if ($1 == cmd1) {
write file1.txt $gettok($1-,7,32)
elseif ($1 == cmd2) {
write file2.txt $gettok($1-,7,32)
elseif ($1 == cmd3) {
write file3.txt etc..
Guys, thank you both SO much for your replies and kind help!
I'm still struggling with it, to be frank though.
Let me illustrate what I'm trying to do here. I want an event to be triggered on the following phrase:
(year in the standard yyyy format, meaning 1999, 2000, 2001, etc.)
- IF year is 198X, write to file 1
- IF year is 199X, write to file 2
- IF year is 200x, write to file 3
- IF year is 201X, write to file 3
- Etc.
So basically what I CAN'T get to work is the if checking against a regex that would look something like this:
(I checked the regex here and it seems to be valid:
Does anyone have an idea how to make that workable?
I tried playing around with $regex(), but the script just doesn't work for some reason

Any ideas/suggestions would be much, much appreciated!