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#23931 13/05/03 11:40 AM
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mdew Offline OP
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yes, Ive been using mirc 6.03 under wine lately (yes it runs perfectly) well, theres a couple of niggles that would improve usability

Right mouse on the systray works, you get all the options..but an option to minimise to the systray (forcably) because the option to minimise in this case is controlled by the X11 Window manager, so minimising wont move it to the systray. So yeah, just an option to minimise on-right-mouse systray would be very handy.

the systray icon of mIRC, is the background transparient? because its showing the "windows grey box" around the mIRC systray icon. Say a transparient .png or .gif would be needed.

#23932 13/05/03 12:30 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC is WINDOWS IRC client, mIRC supports WINDOWS, it's not mIRCs fault if "emulator" doesn't work like WINDOWS

//if ( khaled isgod ) echo yes | else echo no
#23933 13/05/03 02:11 PM
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wine isnt actually a emulator as such, anyway, something like winamps "system tray only" works fine...something like that in mIRC would be a good function, for bother windows and linux.

#23934 13/05/03 02:20 PM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I wonder if there's some way to code mIRC to allow it to use the linux directory structure as well as window's structure. I can't seem to write to or read from files when using mIRC on wine. (I'm not sure why it doesn't work, I am not a programmer and I don't have knowledge of how wine works with mIRC, so don't yell at me about this suggestion please, lol)

- Wherever you go there you are.[color:lightgreen]
#23935 13/05/03 03:07 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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1. With the exception of TheRat (who got everything right) I would like you all to read this
2. Linux sucks.

#23936 13/05/03 03:46 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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2. Linux sucks. - hmm .. if that will be true when why the mirc's sites (forums.mirc.com & mirc.com & www.mirc.co.uk ) is hosted by the linux's machines but not windows ? Yah .. And the heart of the internet 13 dns-servers hosted on the linux too wink

Sorry for english ..

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#23937 13/05/03 03:52 PM
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mdew Offline OP
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its quiet funny how you guys (With the exception BoredNL) are acting, with any suggestion of improving mIRC that could also benefit linux users, you become so easily offended.

I havent asked mIRC to be 'ported to Linux, nor am i asking for support. I'm merely making a suggestion, I'm in the right forum? It doesnt say Windows-only. Dont assume mIRC being a Windows-only program, that you'll only get Windows-related questions.

Linux Sucks? what type of reply is that? maybe you need to grow up somewhat.

#23938 13/05/03 05:28 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well the "transparent" thing isn't an mIRC problem at all, and the suggestion you made can't fix it. Windows doesn't let you use a png or a gif for a tray icon. You use a bmp and only a bmp. Windows determines what the background color is by checking the color of the pixel at (0,0) within the bmp. Whatever color that pixel is is treated as the background color. If that doesn't happen in Wine, then the bug is in Wine, not mIRC.

#23939 15/05/03 10:14 AM
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Correction. Linux sucks as a desktop OS.

#23940 15/05/03 10:53 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Correction. Linux doesn't suck. Anyone who says that 'x OS sucks' needs some serious trout-slapping. Unless they're talking about WinME of course, because that just sucked :tongue:.

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.

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