Greetings _D3m0n_,
Yes florida is a nice state to lounge around and enjoy the sights. Oregon however is a nice alternative with her millions of acres of protected forests, two major mountain ranges and wide assortments of wildlife and scenery. I know them well and have worked as a forest surveyor for many years. One year I worked the entire summer to lounge acouple weeks on Miami beach. One day I was surveying a site near the Crater Lake national monument at 9,000 feet elevation in 3 feet of snow, and 24 hours later I was surveying the german ladys that follow the sun and had decended upon Miami Beach for acouple months. I was impressed by their sheer beauty and found nothing lacking in their pride of knowing so. The overall fitness of those I met in south miami was remarkable also, many worked out in fitness centers and gyms. This is of course at the elevation of 30 feet above sealevel. I rather doubt that there would be but a tiny handful that would be able to climb to the summit of a mountain over 5,000 in elevation and down, twice a day for 8 months out of the year, much less in a 10 hour day.
It appears you are disgruntled with automated tasks, do you actually communicate on the web with a tin can and a long string? That isn't a slap, its a reflection on varying degrees of acceptance. Obviously anyone using mIRC is running various automated tasks and sometimes one forgets the fact that automated systems are found in nearly all walks of life and venues within our lives, from camcorders thru automobiles. If someone does in fact live the life of the Amish then I would applaud their views.