this script I made it
it is giving me errors
on *:text:!roul:#: {
if ($1 == !roul) {
set %nummer 1
set %lang .Com
set %andhl 7and
/getroul com
alias getroul {
if ($1 == com) {
sockclose getroul
%language = Prices
%hostbara =
%txt1 = For the next
%min = Minutes
%cokechan = $chan
%url = /BeO/webroot/index.php?module=API&action=statistics
sockopen getroul %hostbara 80

on *:sockopen:getroul: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo Error while connecting on sockopen: $crlf $sock(getroul).wsmsg
else {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET %url HTTP/1.0 $+ $crlf
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %hostbara $+ $crlf
sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/xml
sockwrite -n $sockname Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

alias htmlfree { var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp,;) | return %x }

on *:SOCKREAD:getroul: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo Error while connecting on sockread: $crlf $sock(getroul).wsmsg
else {
var %rouletteprofits
sockread %rouletteprofits
write roul.txt %rouletteprofits
if ($regex(%rouletteprofits,<profit>)) {
set %roul [ $+ [ %nummer ] ] $htmlfree(%rouletteprofits)
inc %nummer 1
if (%nummer == 9) {
Var %sorted = $sorttok(%roul1 %roul2 %roul3 %roul4 %roul5 %roul6 %roul7 %roul8,32,n)
if ($gettok(%roul,1,32) == %roul1) { set %roul1 3DET %roul1 }
if ($gettok(%roul,1,32) == %roul2) { set %roul2 3CHI %roul2 }
if ($gettok(%roul,1,32) == %roul3) { set %roul3 3PAL %roul3 }
if ($gettok(%roul,1,32) == %roul4) { set %roul4 3NY %roul4 }
if ($gettok(%roul,1,32) == %roul5) { set %roul5 3LV %roul5 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %roul6) { set %roul6 3PHI %roul6 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %roul7) { set %roul7 3BAL %roul7 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %roul8) { set %roul8 3COR %roul8 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %roul1) { set %roul1 4DET %roul1 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %roul2) { set %roul2 4CHI %roul2 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %roul3) { set %roul3 4PAL %roul3 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %roul4) { set %roul4 4NY %roul4 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %roul5) { set %roul5 4LV %roul5 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %roul6) { set %roul6 4PHI %roul6 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %roul7) { set %roul7 4BAL %roul7 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %roul8) { set %roul8 4COR %roul8 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %roul1) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %roul1) && (3 !isin %roul1) && (4 !isin %roul1) { set %roul1 10DET %roul1 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %roul2) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %roul2) && (3 !isin %roul2) && (4 !isin %roul2) { set %roul2 10CHI %roul2 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %roul3) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %roul3) && (3 !isin %roul3) && (4 !isin %roul3) { set %roul3 10PAL %roul3 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %roul4) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %roul4) && (3 !isin %roul4) && (4 !isin %roul4) { set %roul4 10NY %roul4 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %roul5) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %roul5) && (3 !isin %roul5) && (4 !isin %roul5) { set %roul5 10LV %roul5 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %roul6) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %roul6) && (3 !isin %roul6) && (4 !isin %roul6) { set %roul6 10PHI %roul6 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %roul7) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %roul7) && (3 !isin %roul7) && (4 !isin %roul7) { set %roul7 10BAL %roul7 }
if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %roul8) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %roul8) && (3 !isin %roul8) && (4 !isin %roul8) { set %roul8 10COR %roul8 }
msg %cokechan Roulette Profits .Com : 7|| %roul2 7|| %roul7 7|| %roul4 7|| %roul6 7|| %roul1 7|| %roul5 7|| %roul8 7|| %roul3
unset %lang
unset %coke
sockclose getroul

I want some1 to fix it please
the xml file is
I want when I do !roul it gives only profits for persons in las vegas who own Roulettes
Please can some1 help me ?