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#236243 14/02/12 05:36 PM
Joined: Jun 2009
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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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this is small but relevant part of my anti spam script
basically bad words are written in txt file and it reads from them

but problem lies with wildcard match
for example, it only reacts on exact given word
if banned word is "www" or "http", it will react only on them
but if user types www.whatever or http://whatever

it doesn't react
how to fix this ?

on @*:text:*:#:{
      if ($read($mircdirsystem\spam_triggers.txt, w,$+(*,$1,*)) iswm $1) {
         if (%spam.kickban == on) { .ban -k $chan $nick %spam.ban.type spam in $chan is not allowed ! }

Last edited by vinifera; 14/02/12 05:38 PM.
vinifera #236244 14/02/12 07:45 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The way you have it isn't going to work. For example, let's say www is in your text file. $1 is www. test. com (without spaces... the forum's converting the link on me). You are doing a search for *www.test.com*, which will of course not be found in your text file. You're basically doing it backwards. You want to see if the words from your spam file are in what is said instead of seeing if what's said is in your spam file.

Spam management can be tricky because you have to check a lot of words and variations and trying to do it from a basic text file may not be the best solution. In many cases, a regex solution will work far better for this sort of thing.

Last edited by Riamus2; 14/02/12 07:48 PM.

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Riamus2 #236246 14/02/12 07:57 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you're looking to filter out generic forms of text, a regex is probably better suited. For a large list of specific text, the following may suit your needs. In either case a hash table should probably be used.

You can loop through every bad word, and compare to input line. This will allow you to match partial words.
alias partialwords {
  if (!$hget(badwords)) {
    hmake badwords
    hload -n badwords badwords.txt
  var %i = $hget(badwords,0).item
  while (%i) {
    if ($hget(badwords,%i) isin $1-) return 1
    dec %i

Loki12583 #236266 15/02/12 11:31 AM
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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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looks complicated :P

vinifera #236304 17/02/12 01:47 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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...but is more effective for most cases smile
If you don't want to go for the usually fastest but more demanding method (that is: regular expressions and a $hfind(,R) lookup) but also don't want to use a while-loop that checks all words separately, this "mixed" approach might be of use.

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