Here's a very simple dcx script that docks channels into multiple lines at the top of your mIRC window to get you started:
; /multibar to open/refresh
; /multibar close to close
alias multibar {
if ((!$1) && ($dialog(multibar))) multibar_init multibar
elseif (!$1) dialog -m multibar multibar
if ($1 == close) dialog -x multibar
; initialize/update the multibar dialog
alias multibar_init {
var %dname = $iif($dname,$dname,$1), %n = 1, %y = 1, %d = 1, %w = 80, %h = 24
var %i = $calc($xdialog(%dname).nextid - 1)
; remove all controls in the dialog (complete refresh)
while (%i >= 1) {
xdialog -d %dname %i
dec %i
; iterate over channels and add buttons to each row
while ($scon(%n)) {
scon %n
var %x = 1, %i = 1, %w = 80
; add status window button
xdialog -c %dname %d button %x %y %w %h
xdid -t %dname %d $network $me
xdid -M %dname %d %n Status Window
; add channels
while ($chan(%i)) {
inc %x $calc(%w + 1)
inc %d
; uncomment out next line for unequal width buttons
; %w = $width($chan(%i),arial,-11)
xdialog -c %dname %d button %x %y %w %h
xdid -x %dname %d +w
xdid -t %dname %d $chan(%i)
xdid -M %dname %d %n $chan(%i)
inc %i
inc %y $calc(%h + 1)
inc %d
inc %n
.timer 1 0 multibar_dock %dname
; dock multibar to top of window (+b for bottom)
alias multibar_dock {
xdock -m $dialog($1).hwnd +t
xdock -r $dialog($1).hwnd + 0 $calc($scon(0) * 25 + 3)
; callback alias for event handling
alias multibar_cb {
if ($2 == sclick) {
; mark data is <connection number> <window name>
tokenize 32 $xdid($1,$3).mark
scon $1
window -a $qt($2-)
on *:dialog:multibar:init:*: {
dcx Mark $dname multibar_cb
dialog multibar {
size -1 -1 173 31
You need to properly download and install dcx. Once you do that, use /multibar and /multibar close to open/close the window.
Note that it lacks many things:
1. No displaying of query windows, custom windows, dcc windows, etc. -- only channels/status windows
2. No highlighting based on the highlight colour of a window, and no flash support
3. Joining/parting/opening/closing windows will not redraw the window. You would need to add event handling for JOIN,PART,OPEN,CLOSE (and possibly timers to handle manual window closing).
4. You can currently only redraw the entire dialog with subsequent calls to /multibar, but you might want to make that more efficient (not redraw the entire dialog, only what was changed)
All four issues could be addressed, but again, this is just to get you started.