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Joined: Aug 2010
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Aug 2010
Posts: 8
After setting a sequence of modes in a channel, I noticed that I was still classified as an operator after I deop-ed myself in the mode sequence.

See the picture below:

/debug of the picture above with some relevant information:

(01:07.23 PM) <- :xmrfunny1x!xmrfunny1x@chanstat.net MODE #xmrfunny1x +o xmrfunny1x
(01:07.27 PM) -> helix.fl.us.SwiftIRC.net PRIVMSG #xmrfunny1x :I am op
(01:07.30 PM) <- :xmrfunny1x!xmrfunny1x@chanstat.net MODE #xmrfunny1x -nMfo [5j#i1,4k#K5,4n#N2,5t#b]:10 xmrfunny1x
(01:07.30 PM) <- :Unknown!bet@you.wish.you.knew.me MODE #xmrfunny1x +nMf [5j#i1,4k#K5,4n#N2,5t#b]:10
(01:07.36 PM) -> helix.fl.us.SwiftIRC.net PRIVMSG #xmrfunny1x :I am still appearing to be an op
(01:07.44 PM) -> helix.fl.us.SwiftIRC.net PRIVMSG #xmrfunny1x :FIX IT
(01:07.46 PM) <- :xmrfunny1x!xmrfunny1x@chanstat.net MODE #xmrfunny1x +o xmrfunny1x

irc.swiftirc.net #mSL,#xmrfunny1x
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Confirmed. Also relevant:


From my tests, it appears that mIRC is interpretting "[5j#i1,4k#K5,4n#N2,4t#b]:10" as two tokens instead of one. I think this shows the problem clearly:

[19:50:17] <@drum_test1> @+drum_test1 @+drum_test2
[19:50:22] * drum_test1 sets mode: +f [5j#i1,4k#K5,4n#N2,4t#b]:10
[19:50:55] * drum_test1 sets mode: -fvo [5j#i1,4k#K5,4n#N2,4t#b]:10 drum_test1 drum_test2
[19:52:20] <+drum_test1> +drum_test1 @+drum_test2

When I am speaking, I am using: //say $nick(#,drum_test1).pnick $nick(#,drum_test2).pnick

Based on this, mIRC appears to be pairing the third mode change (-o) with 'drum_test1' instead of 'drum_test2', implying that it believes there are two tokens in front of 'drum_test1'.

As an aside for xmrfunny1x: until this is fixed, you can force mIRC to correct the issue when chanmodes become desynced by typing /names #channel.

Last edited by drum; 21/11/11 02:01 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks this has been fixed for the next version.

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