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lcrzoex Offline OP
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I'm using mIRC 7.19 on Wine, I know its offtopic but...

I'm using EvilWM as window manager.
mIRC running in first virtual destkop, and when I press Ctrl + Alt + 1...8 for switch between virtual desktops - mIRC is blocked by "password" dialog ;(
This dialog also blocked and I can't do anything, only kill mirc process.

anybody know possible solutions?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The easiest solution is to remove the password requirement in mIRC.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC should only ask for the password when you attempt to open/maximize it. It shouldn't be asking when you change desktops. Unless perhaps if you have mIRC running on those other desktops and it isn't minimized.

Does this happen only if mIRC is minimized on desktop 1 or only if it's not minimized or all of the time?

I've used similar multiple desktop setups before, but never tried them with mIRC and I don't use passwords on mIRC, so I haven't run into this before. Although Windows doesn't have a specific multiple desktop setup, I am pretty sure I've seen utilities that provide that same setup in Windows. I wonder if the same thing will happen with that setup? I am thinking it probably will, and if so, that is definitely something that should be fixed. If it's only in WINE/*nix, then it would still be good to fix, but Khaled doesn't provide much support for anything besides Windows unless it's a major issue that affects a lot of people.

Also, the fact that you can't use the password dialog is probably going to be related to an issue/bug in either WINE or evilwm.

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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I've been able to reproduce and track down the bug to a certain extent. It's probably in wine, but multiple workarounds are possible (see below). I'm posting this mostly for the other wine users out there and because google brings up this thread.

The real bug:
When you CTRL+Minimize the mirc window, it will ask to set a password (unless one is set), and this dialog as well as the one for entering the password for unlocking is buggy on wine. (These dialogs do not accept input at all under these circumstances.) Mirc happily runs in the background, though, afaik.

The problem occurs on linux window managers when you use ALT+CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT to switch desktops ... That seems to send a minimize signal to the mirc window while CTRL is down. So, it asks for a password, and things break.

There are many possible Workarounds:
* Use mirc in Fullscreen mode (F11). That seems to avoid the minimization event.
* Run mirc in a wine Virtual Desktop (use winecfg to enable that).
* Change the shortcuts for the WM

Sadly, changing how mirc reacts to CTRL+minimize does not seem to be a configurable option. Nor can one disable the locking mechanism entirely. Setting a password does not solve the problem either, as the unlocking dialog hangs in the same way without input.

Interestingly, the password dialogs seem to work fine when activated through the Lock/Unlock-Button in the last Options menu. Just the combination of being minimized and the dialog popping up seems to screw with wine.

mirc 7.22
wine-1.3.15 (Ubuntu 11.04, Gnome 2.x)

Well, I guess I now have to register at winehq as well ...


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks for looking into it - one way around this could be to make mIRC react to CTRL+Minimize and not ALT+CTRL+Minimize. This change will be in the next version.

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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Wow, awesome customer service! I think the suggested change will take care of the problem for a lot that are affected by this behavior.

But you might want to make sure that neither ALT nor the WIN-key is pressed, as some linux users use the latter as a modifier for shortcuts as well. SHIFT, on the other hand, doesn't seem that important for system shortcuts, and checking for SHIFT might break things when somebody uses CAPSLOCK and actually wants to minimize mirc with CTRL+Mouseclick. Working around wine bugs might not be worth risking the functionality for those that like to shout ...

That's just my random thoughts, though.

Again, thanks a lot for your effort!

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No problem, I have added a check for the Windows key as well.

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