First of all, please don't get your hopes up as I'm not offering you a working code example here, just pointing you in the right direction to get what you want :p
Your $cookie_file makes an assumption that the mIRC folder is in %appdata% but this isn't always the case. You should instead use a COM object to get the value of the %appdata% environment variable like so:
alias cookie_file {
if (%ffcookies) return $v1
var %object = appdata $+ $ticks, %ffdir, %result
.comopen %object
noop $com(%object,expandenvironmentstrings,3,bstr,% $+ appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini)
%ffdir = $com(%object).result
%result = $+($nofile(%ffdir),$replace($readini(%ffdir,Profile0,Path),/,\),\cookies.sqlite)
.comclose %object
if ($isfile(%result)) { set %ffcookies %result }
return %result
It only does the slow process of using $com once and then caches the value. All subsequent calls to $cookie_file just retrieve the cached value.
As for reading the file itself, you have two options that I can think of: -
1) Read
this page thoroughly and write a script which reads the SQLite database. It's a very in-depth document explaining the format of an SQLite file. The database files are in a binary format, which is why simply looping with $fread() won't get you anywhere.
2) Download
mIRC SQlite which is a DLL and can read from SQLite databases.
The second option will of course be much simpler.