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#231933 10/05/11 06:37 PM
Joined: Jan 2007
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DJ_Sol Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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Recently in another post we talked briefly about dynamic variables. Riamus suggested checking for a dynamic variable using $eval vs. [ ].

$($+(%,reason.,$2),2) is the example he gave and would find %reason.whatever2is and return the value.

I have tried to use this sort of method before, but the problem I had was setting the variables in the first place. They didn't always work out right.

So I was wondering, using this method to check for a variable, how would you set it? Thanks.


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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//var -s %reason. $+ $2
//set -s %reason. $+ $2

Evaluation brackets control the order of evaluation, you don't need them to set a dynamic variable nor your need $eval because
%variable command have a special evaluation routine, %reason. isn't evaluated here

Last edited by Wims; 10/05/11 07:08 PM.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yep, like Wims said (and I think it was mentioned in that post you're referring to), just use $+ when setting and use either $eval or []'s when reading the variable, whichever is your preference.

Think about setting it like this...

You know that $eval and []'s evaluate the variable, so that if %test.Riamus = 1 (Riamus being supplied by $nick), then you evaluate it and get 1. That's what you want when you're reading the variable. However, if you set it that way, you are basically doing this...

//set $($+(%,test.,$nick)) Some Value

and that becomes

//set 1 Some Value

See, you don't want to have the variable's data become the variable name.

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