I know that an overhaul of the dialog system is on the todo list, so before it's stamped done(even though this might be awhile, no offense) I'd like to make my suggestion.

Being able to create a "window" object within a dialog. I guess the best way to explain it is with code:
dialog dname {
  Title ""
  Options dbu
  size x y w h

  ;the dialog table value for the window:
  window id, x y w h, style [-bBCj[N]l[N]psS] [-tN,...,N] +def popup.txt font/size
;The *line commands:
/*line [c] -O[Other Switches] $dname did ...

;The draw commands:
/draw* -O[Other switches] $dname $did ...

;PopupMenus:(maybe add -O switch between menu and dname?)
Menu dname did {

;And you can handle mouse events with the dialogs event handler:
On *:DIALOG:dname:Mouse:did:{ }
On *:DIALOG:dname:SClick:did:{ }
On *:DIALOG:dname:UClick:did:{ }
On *:DIALOG:dname:DClick:did:{ }
On *:DIALOG:dname:RClick:did:{ }
On *:DIALOG:dname:Drop:did:{ }

None of the formatting or new switches specified would break current scripts(AFAIK), and I removed some switches from the window declaration that would be irrelevant or change the state of the window(Such as where it would be listed in the tree/switchbars, window name being prefixed with @, it being minimized and the such, the titlebar setup)

I know that dlls can dock an @Window to a dialog, and I'm not saying this is something that is needed right away. But when the due time for the dialog overhaul is comes, I hope this is implemented in some shape, fashion, or form.

I am SReject
My Stuff