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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hi can i request this. it's a !addip *!*@IP.IP <nick> <reason> and !info *!*@IP.IP This is .ini file. - the commands are !addip <*!*@IP.IP> <nick> <reason> and !info <*!*@IP.IP>This is when i add a user with his HostIP , nick and reason. if someone join and use the HostIP that i add in , will auto detect and show in my channel., like ex: they join #lob channel (autodetect cause i already add the HostIP), their NICK HostIP will show in my channel . ---- <user> !addip *!*@comcast.user.IP testnick Annoying,get lost! * testnick joined channel #lob <bot> [HostIP Logs: 6 Entries Found for *!*@comcast.user.IP] [NICK] testnick [Reason] Annoying,get lost!
<bot> testnick *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> meya *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> Juri *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> style *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> megan *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> huge *!*@comcast.user.IP
(Those will save in entries.ini file, those will Show in my channel) when every nicks join using that IP will automatic write there nicks and iP in info.ini----- if other nick join again with that ip should be automatic save there Nicks and the HostIP they use. and for the command, !info *!*@comcast.user.IP | !info <*!*@IP.IP> if i !info *!*@comcast.user.IPthe results will, The Nicks and there IPs inside the .ini file the bot send it to me the results. like,,, <user> !info *!*@comcast.user.IP
(The BOT PM'd me the results)
<bot> [HostIP Logs: 6 Entries Found for *!*@comcast.user.IP] [Nick] testnick [Reason] Annoying,get lost!.
<bot> testnick *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> meya *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> Juri *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> style *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> megan *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> huge *!*@comcast.user.IP
<bot> etc.. ------- That's the results. this script is for my network. Hope you do this script for me. thnk you. -those will save even i log off my pc. ~godkenJ.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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1) Referencing the sticky New to the forums ??This post should be in the Scripts & Pop-ups section, especially since you knew it was a script. c) Be sure you are posting your question/problem to the appropriate forum. Also e) Realize YOU have to do work to solve the problem you are having. People here can offer ideas/suggestions/input and maybe even solve things entirely, but it's up to YOU to do the work. 2) Similar, though not identical request and responses can be found here
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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uhh sir RusselB, sorry but thats not the script that i want to do/request.. i want that !addip *!*@IP.IP ( not real IP,it's a HOstIP to be add sir ) then if that IP join in channel, auto detect it into my channel, and there nicks and hostip will auto save and when they join will show in my channel.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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(In my channel) <Me> !addip *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP testnick Annoying,get lost!* testnick PDT@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP joined #lob <- automatic save. (BOT in my channel) <bot> [HostIP Logs: 1 Entries Found for *!*@6EF9AE34.1FB090E7.24DAC449.IP] [NICK] testnick [Reason] Annoying,get lost!
<bot> testnick *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP And another nick join again but same hostip. * Concuer PDT@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP joined #lob <- save* (again the BOT) <bot> [HostIP Logs: 2 Entries Found for *!*@6EF9AE34.1FB090E7.24DAC449.IP] [NICK] testnick [Reason] Annoying,get lost!
<bot> testnick *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP
<bot> Concuer *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP another nick join again same Hostip. * Megan PDT@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP joined #lob (bot again automatic detect) <bot> [HostIP Logs: 3 Entries Found for *!*@6EF9AE34.1FB090E7.24DAC449.IP] [NICK] testnick [Reason] Annoying,get lost!
<bot> testnick *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP
<bot> Concuer *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP
<bot> Megan *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP Those nicks and their IP automatic save and when they every login automatic detect it. and if i want to know if theres a record on that IP, i just !info *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP [code]<Me> !info *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP(bot PM'd me the results) <bot> [HostIP Logs: 3 Entries Found for *!*@6EF9AE34.1FB090E7.24DAC449.IP] [NICK] testnick [Reason] Annoying,get lost!
<bot> testnick *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP
<bot> Concuer *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP
<bot> Megan *!*@6EE3AE34.1FB092E7.24DAC329.IP This is a hostip detector auto show in my channel and get info. about there IP.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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sorry bumping my thread, any1 please?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Technically bumping of threads on this site is not allowed. Even if it was, and based on other sites that I've visited that do allow bumping, you generally have to wait 5-10 days without a response before bumping. You didn't even wait one day.
I already posted a couple of rules for these forums that you didn't follow, as well as the link so that you could read the rest of them. Since then, I've noticed that you have now ignored or not followed at least two more.
Be patient and follow the rules. If someone is willing and able to help you with this, they will.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Here's something I've done quickly at work, obviously you can change it to suit your needs... This will store a max of 6 nicks at one time it will alternate between displaying 5 and 6 nicks that are matched. This will prevent the line too long error. Obviously this is very basic but can be expanded on... on *:LOAD:{
echo -a Loading ip/nick store info...
if (!$hget(IPNickStore)) { hmake IPNickStore 100 }
;we check that hashtable isn't created as we may have added stuff before closing down, script has just reloaded.
if ($exists(ipnickstore.dat)) && (!$hget(IPNickStore)) { hload IPNickStore ipnickstore.dat }
on *:JOIN:#:{
if ($nick != $me) {
if ($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)) > 1) {
if (!$findtok($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)),$nick,44)) {
hadd IPNickStore $gettok($fulladdress,2-,33) $gettok($+($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)),$chr(44),$nick,$chr(44)),$iif($numtok($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)),44) == 5,2-6,1-),44)
msg # Matched: $gettok($fulladdress,2-,33) nicks: $hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)) $iif($hget(IPNickStore,$+($gettok($fulladdress,2-,33),.msg)),reason: $v1)
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
if ($1 == !addip) {
if ($ial($2)) {
if ($3) { hadd IPNickStore $+($gettok($ial($2),2-,33),.msg) $3- }
if ($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33))) { msg # user already stored, if you supplied a message this has been changed | return }
hadd IPNickStore $gettok($ial($2),2-,33) $gettok($+($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33)),$chr(44),$gettok($ial($2),1,33),$chr(44)),$iif($numtok($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33)),44) == 5,2-6,1-),44)
msg # added entry $gettok($ial($2),2-,33)
;present this message instead of /who'ing the channel, could cause flooding/disconnect issues...
else { msg # user not here or need to /who # }
elseif ($1 == !remip) {
if ($hfind(IPNickStore,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33),0,w)) { hdel IPNickStore $gettok($ial($2),2-,33) | msg # removed $2 }
else { msg # user not stored }
on *:EXIT:{
hsave IPNickStore ipnickstore.dat
Last edited by Rewtor; 08/02/11 04:55 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hi sir, thnx for the script,. but have a question on it. why when i !addip *!*@his.IP HisReason and if the user that who use that IP is offline the BOT said, <BOT> user not here or need to /who #test
that script is for ONLINE USER ONLY sir ?.. sorry but i want a even he is Offline/Online i can !add his IP and !remove his Ip.
and sir the script you made is NO !info *!*@His.IP command. please someone fix, pls.
and for the !info command, i can grab all his nicks even though he is Offline/Online. Thnx sir Rewtor, pls fix sir..
Last edited by ricfaus; 09/02/11 04:33 AM.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Can't seem to edit my old post to remove the old code... oh well. I have made those changes you asked for but be aware that you must ONLY pass the address in this format: ident@host instead of nick!ident@host also ANYONE will be able to use these commands unless you make some changes. on *:LOAD:{
echo -a Loading ip/nick store info...
if (!$hget(IPNickStore)) { hmake IPNickStore 100 }
;we check that hashtable isn't created as we may have added stuff before closing down, script has just reloaded.
if ($exists(ipnickstore.dat)) && (!$hget(IPNickStore)) { hload IPNickStore ipnickstore.dat }
on *:JOIN:#:{
if ($nick != $me) {
if ($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)) > 1) {
if (!$findtok($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)),$nick,44)) {
hadd IPNickStore $gettok($fulladdress,2-,33) $gettok($+($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)),$chr(44),$nick,$chr(44)),$iif($numtok($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)),44) == 5,2-6,1-),44)
msg # Matched: $gettok($fulladdress,2-,33) nicks: $hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($fulladdress,2-,33)) $iif($hget(IPNickStore,$+($gettok($fulladdress,2-,33),.msg)),reason: $v1)
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
if ($1 == !addip) {
if ($ial($2)) {
if ($3) { hadd IPNickStore $+($gettok($ial($2),2-,33),.msg) $3- }
if ($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33))) { msg # user already stored, if you supplied a message this has been changed | return }
hadd IPNickStore $gettok($ial($2),2-,33) $gettok($+($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33)),$chr(44),$gettok($ial($2),1,33),$chr(44)),$iif($numtok($hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33)),44) == 5,2-6,1-),44)
msg # added entry $gettok($ial($2),2-,33)
elseif ($regex($2,/^([A-Za-z0-9])+@([A-Za-z0-9])+/ig) >= 1) {
if ($3) { hadd IPNickStore $+($2,.msg) $3- }
if ($hget(IPNickStore,$2)) { msg # user already stored, if you supplied a message this has been changed | return }
hadd IPNickStore $2 $gettok($+($hget(IPNickStore,$2),$chr(44),$iif($ialchan($2,#,1) || $ialchan($+(*!,$2),#,1),$gettok($v1,1,33),$chr(3)),$chr(44)),$iif($numtok($hget(IPNickStore,$2),44) == 5,2-6,1-),44)
msg # added entry $2
else { msg # user isn't here, address was incorrect format or not enough arguments }
elseif ($1 == !remip) {
if ($hfind(IPNickStore,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33),0,w)) { hdel IPNickStore $gettok($ial($2),2-,33) | msg # removed $2 }
elseif ($hfind(IPNickStore,$2,0,w)) { hdel IPNickStore $2 | msg # removed $2 }
else { msg # user/address not stored }
elseif ($1 == !info) {
if ($hget(IPNickStore,$2) || $hget(IPNickStore,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33))) {
hadd -u5 IPNickStore nicks.info $v1
msg $nick Entry: $iif($regex($2,/^([A-Za-z0-9])+@([A-Za-z0-9])+/ig) >= 1,$2,$gettok($ial($2),2-,33)) Nicks: $hget(IPNickStore,nicks.info) $+($chr(40),$numtok($hget(IPNickStore,nicks.info),44),$chr(41))
else { msg $nick No such entry or user isn't here }
on *:EXIT:{
hsave IPNickStore ipnickstore.dat
Last edited by Rewtor; 09/02/11 04:16 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Sir, still not working the !addip command.. what is the format for adding a ip sir? its like this? -> !addip *!*@IPhost.IP NICK REASONG ?? like taht sir? . and same problem, when i !addip and that iP is offline/Not in iRC. it's says that - * [BOT] user isn't here, address was incorrect format or not enough arguments sir please put a only sop-& nick status can do and put a Syntax error sir pls. thnk u. please fix. .sorry sir but i want that even he/she is Offline i can enter his IP nick and reason sir. thnk u or what is your server and channel sir? so that we can fix sir.
Last edited by ricfaus; 10/02/11 06:27 AM.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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This definately works, i've tested it on a local IRC server at work. The format you are using is wrong which is probably causing the problem, I said in my last post to use it in format ident@host NOT nick!ident@host so use: !addip syg2790wsk23n@whatever.it.is reason here
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Sir, when i !addip awaw@Ip.host.Ip reason .. and if the user is Offline ,said like this, you can just add a ip if the user/IP is Online.. sir can you move it in a even the user is Offline i can add his Ip.? and please sir, last request. put a syntaxx error and only sop-& status can do the command thnx sir. and last one thing, please put a when i !info <address> theres should be the Reason i put sir. like ex: !info asas@yahoo.com.IP ;results are. <bot> Matched: asas@yahoo.com.IP [Reason]please use diff. nick. <bot> Nicks nicks nicks nicks nicks. etc, thats all sir, thnk u the reason is the reason that i Put in !addip assad@Ip.Ip.IP reason here
Last edited by ricfaus; 10/02/11 04:27 PM.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Sir, when i !addip awaw@Ip.host.Ip reason .. and if the user is Offline ,said like this, you can just add a ip if the user/IP is Online.. sir can you move it in a even the user is Offline i can add his Ip.? and please sir, last request. put a syntaxx error and only sop-& status can do the command thnx sir. and last one thing, please put a when i !info <address> theres should be the Reason i put sir. like ex: !info asas@yahoo.com.IP ;results are. <bot> Matched: asas@yahoo.com.IP [Reason]please use diff. nick. <bot> Nicks nicks nicks nicks nicks. etc, thats all sir, thnk u the reason is the reason that i Put in !addip assad@Ip.Ip.IP reason here This definately works whether the person is in the room or not... so you must be doing something wrong...
* Loaded script '\\sqlserv\user$\********\My Documents\Common\CS\XBS_new\XBS\plain\ipnick-store.mrc'
Loading ip/nick store info...
[12:01:33] <>rewt> !addip be086852b1bf87aa04bb9f8973986856@GateKeeper$
[12:01:33] <>Mike> user already stored, if you supplied a message this has been changed
[12:01:44] * Attempting to rejoin channel %#Test
[12:01:44] * Rejoined channel %#Test
[12:01:44] * Topic is 'This is the topic of the chatroom'
[12:01:44] * Set by xBS.AS01 on Fri Feb 11 11:57:12
[12:01:44] <%#Test> Welcome to %#Test on xBS.AS01 xBS.1.05a <color #FF0000>Ownerkey</color><color #000000>: VCQDWHLTSM | <color #FF0000>Hostkey</color><color #000000>: BDGSMTYKQL
[12:01:44] <>Mike> Matched: be086852b1bf87aa04bb9f8973986856@GateKeeper$ nicks: SUBSCRIBERINFO83,SUBSCRIBERINFO98,>rewt
[12:02:31] <>rewt> !info be086852b1bf87aa04bb9f8973986856@GateKeeper$
PRIVMSG from >Mike:
[12:02:31] <>Mike> Entry: be086852b1bf87aa04bb9f8973986856@GateKeeper$ Nicks: SUBSCRIBERINFO83,SUBSCRIBERINFO98,>rewt (3)