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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Weird, I have the same router and I haven't changed that setting from factory default-- and haven't had any 10053 issues since I got it. Perhaps this is just the product of other setting / envrionment differences in our setups.

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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I suspect the specific IRC network makes a difference (and maybe even the specific server, who knows). In my case, I use a relatively obscure network. Variations in how they implement DNS and/or the IRCd software may very well be the difference in what the router likes and doesn't like.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Can someone help me stay connected? I've looked through forums and messed with my mIRC and my router and I still am bouncing every few minutes. I've had a stable connection to mIRC until our latest router, a D-Link 601. My husband's computer seems fine. I am running two clients to run a bot for our channel and the second client stays connected just fine, but the one I usually chat with loses connection every few minutes if I am not actively chatting. Any ideas? I've read through a lot of this thread and am more confused than helped. The bot runs on version 6.14, I upgraded (not sure what from, sorry) to 7.17. My husband is using 7.14.

Any clue where to look? Thanks!


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC's version is unlikely to be the cause. Given that you're on one network and different machines seem to be having problems, my inclinations are:

- Are you using a wireless connection on your machine? If so, you might be in a dead zone or have weak reception, or there might be interference from other wireless products (mouse? keyboard? near another machine?)

- Your hardware in your machine might be dying. Specifically, your NIC (network interface card) might be dying. This is a fairly common cause. I've replaced NICs before due to unstable connections, so it can certainly happen.

For fun, you can have your husband upgrade to 7.17 and see if he starts disconnected. My educated guess is he won't. This will rule out 7.17 as the issue on your machine.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Originally Posted By: Carola
I am running two clients to run a bot for our channel and the second client stays connected just fine, but the one I usually chat with loses connection every few minutes if I am not actively chatting. Any ideas?

To clarify, you have a bot client (mirc 6.14) running on your machine which is stays connected no problem. In addition, on the same machine, you have your normal chat client (mirc 7.17) which is constantly disconnected. Is this correct? If so then you can rule out the idea that your hardware may be dying as another user suggested. It's not possible for a NIC to decide it's going to only show signs of failure with certain versions of mirc.

Coincidentally, I experienced a very similar problem. After updating mirc, I began experiencing constant disconnects as well. I wasn't able to narrow down the exact cause of the problem but didn't actually spend much time investigating beyond confirming there's no hardware problem. The following is what I've experienced.

My OS is Windows 7 64bit.
When using a shell provided bnc, I stay connected no problem using mirc 7.17.
When I connect to servers directly using mirc 7.17, I'm constantly disconnected.
When I connect to servers directly using mirc 6.21 (the previous version I used), I stay connected no problem.

No other network traffic shows any signs what-so-ever of problems. The problems are in fact isolated to mirc, and further to certain versions. There is a distinct difference between mirc 7.17 and 6.21 on my system. There could be some sort of race condition coming into play, or possibly a lack of/miscommunication between mirc and certain server software/versions. Without rolling your sleeves up, it's hard to know with any certainty. I don't know what kind of debugging mirc has but you can always do a bisect to find out where the stable mirc versions stop and the unstable ones start for you. Then look at what's changed between the two.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It sounds like the server is disconnecting you due to inactivity.

Different versions of mIRC generate different amounts of traffic either by design or depending on your settings. For example, the latest version of mIRC sends ping checks only every five minutes. This could very well be too long for some servers. Some servers might allow five minutes of inactivity before disconnecting you, others might allow only two minutes. That's probably why some users never see this issue, while other users see it all the time - it depends on the server.

If you enable the "Check connection time out" option in the mIRC Options->Connect->Options dialog does that help? If it does not, other users find that they can resolve the issue by using a small script that sends a ping to the server every thirty seconds or so.

In the next version of mIRC, I will be increasing the "Check connection time out" rate to once every minute (it is only sent if there has been no client/server activity in that time).

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Babel fish
Babel fish
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10053 and 10054 are the most useless server error codes, telling you nothing. They are listed as miscellaneous errors, which means it could be anything and the server can't tell what. From your description, it could vary widely from a router problem to your ISP to the server rejecting you for some reason. If it's happening on ALL servers, and I don't mean selecting "Random," then it's probably not a server problem. If it's just happening on only one server, try another server on that network and notify the admin of the problem server -- /admin servername

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Thank you for the responses! For some reason, shortly after I sent my original question my connection problems went way down. I'm wondering if the last time I connected it was to a different server that isn't as fussy. I do find that when I am chatting, I have no problems.


First, thanks for mIRC, I've used and enjoyed it for years to keep in touch with my family and close friends.

If you enable the "Check connection time out" option in the mIRC Options->Connect->Options dialog does that help? If it does not, other users find that they can resolve the issue by using a small script that sends a ping to the server every thirty seconds or so.

It was already checked on. Where can I find a small script to do that? Or, should I move back to an earlier version that sends the ping more often? I'd like to be sure to prevent this and to be able to help a friend with a similar problem and less ambition to get it fixed. smile


Thanks for the response, I'll look into trying different servers on the network I use all the time. I can get a list of available servers and try them one at a time too.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Originally Posted By: Khaled

In the next version of mIRC, I will be increasing the "Check connection time out" rate to once every minute (it is only sent if there has been no client/server activity in that time).

Since this seems to vary from server to server, perhaps the frequency could be made to be user adjustable. The user could choose from 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes.

~ Edit ~
Then again, 60 seconds would actually be good since it will only check if there is no outgoing traffic.

Last edited by RoCk; 20/02/11 12:08 AM.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I'm getting this error when trying to connect to irc.icq.com. I think it's something with my router (but it's the second router I've tried with the same issue) as I've tried two different PCs hooked to those router. The one I'm using now is a Netgear 3700 (not sure of the full model number, but it's a common high end home router). When I disconnect from the router it seems to connect. Is there a setting in either the router or mIRC that would fix this? The disconnect is within 10-15 seconds.

Also, another issue is that, using the menu to join a channel is disconnects me....and....if I type /j #channel the window doesn't show up, but I know I'm joining because if I go to the webbased chat at ICQ, I can see my nick joining.

I'm very frustrated at this point.

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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I should add, the two PCs I've tried connecting with, one is wireless G, and one is ethernet wired.

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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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I've recently run into this problem, and it started when I ran Windows update. After I restarted my computer I kept getting this problem. At first I couldn't connect to any servers, it kept telling me I was timing out (I had other programs connected to the internet open and working fine, so I assume my router and ISP were ok at that time). Eventually, I would try to connect to any server and mIRC would freeze for about 2 minutes then finally connect to a server. At that point I thought it was okay, but now I get disconnected frequently and receive the 10053 error everytime. I also installed a program that updates my drivers and cleans my temp files, called PC Health Advisor at the same time I ran Windows Update and restarted my computer. Could either of those cause the problems I'm experiencing, or is it something else? Thanks in advance for the help.

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Hi there.

So, I seem to have a problem with mIRC.
After using it for almost 9 years, and having a few troubles along the way, I've run into one that I can't really find a reason or solution to.

The problem being that I'm not able to connect to any IRC servers except the one I mainly use (PTnet, a Portuguese IRC network) and Undernet (which is the only server I seem to be able to stay connected to besides the first I mentioned).

I've tried several other servers and the exact same thing happens in everyone of them, which is, I get to connect but than I only have time to perform a /whois command on myself (for example) and after a couple of seconds I get disconnected with the message that gives the title to this thread.

I'm using mIRC 6.21 (which I know is an old version, before someone points it out, but has been working fine) on Windows 7 and I didn't have any problems connecting to other networks until I installed the latest Service Pack with Windows Updates, a couple of days ago.

I'm not sure that's the cause to the problem but I don't really find any other logic explanation since I haven't done any other changes (e.g. istalling or uninstalling other software) to the OS.

Anyways, I hope I gave enough information and that someone can give me a hand with this please.

Thanks laugh

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Service Packs or other Windows updates make changes to a variety of things, including networking. It's possible that some change there is your problem, especially because it was working fine before. Now, you already know your version of mIRC is old. Before anything else, please try the latest version without any scripts just to see if it works. That will give you a good idea of what the next step should be. You can install it to a separate folder and put a blank mirc.ini file into that folder to avoid changing your other version's settings. If a new version works, then your issue was probably resolved in one of the versions since the one you're using and updating may be the only option. If the new version doesn't fix the problem, then we can look at other things.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ok I have used mIRC for years, no problems, then I download 7.19 and kaput, I cannot connect. I get two error messages seemingly at random.
One is Symantec Endpoint Protection [SID.2045] IRC NICK command detected

so I assume I am connecting and then something happens

and also Send error [10053] software caused connection abort, but I could not find help which quite seemed to match this problem. I cannot get rid of Norton because this is a laptop supplied by work and Norton is part of the package.

can anyone help. severe withdrawals happening.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The error is coming from Symantec and it isn't unexpected that you'd get the software caused connection abort error if your antivirus blocks the connection, which is apparently happening. Why this happens on 7.19 and not older versions, I'm not sure. Various changes to mIRC may have caused that, or it may be a coincidence and Symantec updated the settings and is now blocking IRC when it wasn't before. Your best option would be to ask your work to unblock IRC. If you work somewhere that allows you to install and use software that isn't work related on your work computer, then they may do so. If you work somewhere where that is not allowed, then you shouldn't be trying in the first place. smile

Invision Support
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Wow.. it sure has gotten quiet in here! Hopefully, people are working out their connection issues, whatever they may be.

As for myself, I can't remember the last time I got a 10053. I stay reliably connected for hours on end.. they just don't occur anymore. I do, however, recall a time period in which they happened all too frequently. Only two things have really changed since then:

1) I upgraded to mIRC 7.22 from 7.19.

2) I brought up my network adapter in Windows XP device manager, clicked on properties/power management, and un-ticked "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power".

I honestly don't know which action cured the problem, but I sure do enjoy the result!

Best regards.

Last edited by sonagaia; 16/12/11 05:46 AM.
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Shouldn't the duration between pings be setable by the user?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No, because if you need to reset it, you can easily disable the ping check in mIRC and script your own with a very simple /timer command ON CONNECT.

Which is also a "yes, it should be user settable, and it already is".

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"
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