It appears that DDE commands sent to mirc from the shell do not work, even though DDE is operational in general (verified by sending DDE commands from 6.35 to 7.01).
To test this, you must add a new command (a context menu item) to a file type of your choice and enable DDE for that command. On Windows XP and earlier, you can do that in the Folder Options dialog (accessible via Control Panel); on Vista and later
the file types tab has been removed and there is no GUI way of specifying DDE options, however the functionality is still there and the associated registry entries are the same as in previous Windows versions.
Here's a step-by-step procedure to reproduce the bug:
- Save the following text to a file ddetest.reg, making sure to change the path to mirc.exe to one corresponding to your copy of mirc 7.01:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="mIRC test"
@="d:\\mircunicode\\mirc.exe \"%1\""
@="/echo -s hello \"%1\""
- Double click ddetest.reg to import the settings in Registry
- Run mirc 7.01 and type /ddeserver on mirc
- Open a Windows Explorer window, rightclick on any folder and choose "mIRC test"
The expected result is a "hello <folder path>" line in Status, which is what happens with 6.35; with 7.01 however, nothing happens.
Tested on Windows 7 x64.